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Pawel ziomek 31-05-2005 17:59

Only Harmonia
Macie tu kilka moich pierwszych ssow z Harmoni.




Mam nadzieje że Wam się podoba.Może jeszcze cos tu zamieszcze
Commenty dawac :P

Prus 31-05-2005 19:14

No mi się nawet podobaj±. Ale z tym BH shield to co¶ kantujesz :> bo ty akurat nie masz shielda :D. Ale i tak ładne oby tak dalej. Aha popracuj nad skillami skille to podstawa. :)

Mitthenither 31-05-2005 21:43

No, ss'ki mog± być :) A czy skoro temat nazywa się "Only Harmonia" to inni też mog± wklejać swoje zdjęcia?

Tyran-ziom 01-06-2005 01:15

Fajne ss co tu dużo pisać. :cup:

Tyrion 01-06-2005 01:42

O ludzie...
Czym ty sie chwalisz?

Pawel ziomek 01-06-2005 07:35


Oryginalnie napisane przez Mitthenither
No, ss'ki mog± być :) A czy skoro temat nazywa się "Only Harmonia" to inni też mog± wklejać swoje zdjęcia?

Tak,mile widziane ss'ki z Harmoni.

Xaziz 01-06-2005 08:56

Tez dam pare SS od siebie:) (Harmonia)

ziomalek35 01-06-2005 16:34

no no postarales sie beho shild na serio bo nie masz tarczy ale i tak fajne.


nie wim jak sie pisze:P

zoso 01-06-2005 17:55

Był juz temat tylko harmonia. Ss nudne

Nosfe Draconis 01-06-2005 21:36

Ok, ja tez z harmonii to i swoje ss'ki wkleje :P

najpierw 50 lvl ;] eq. niewiele zmieniony do tego czasu...

6 mlvl, dosyc pózno przyszedl ;]

No i pokój w GH, w którym oczywiscie jestem szefen/liderem ( albo przynajmniej wtedy bylem ). Jest juz nieco bardziej zmieniony bo doszla kupka szafirów i wszystkiego juz jest pow. 25 ;]

Pawel ziomek 05-06-2005 10:00

Co tak malo komantow?Komentujcie i ja narazie nie mam co ;/

Pawel ziomek 05-06-2005 10:43

Znalazło się co¶,więc macie kolejn± porcję ss'ów.Comment plx.
Tutaj locik z jedynie 3 dragów !!:D

Lady Aneczka 05-06-2005 10:55

Omg, Jeste¶ naprawde inteligenty, że dajesz fotke jak korzystasz z Mc:blazen: , huehue!!

Abraxis 05-06-2005 13:02

Lord River 05-06-2005 15:14

czas namnie..:P
loot z dragow
hero hunt
ancient scarab
lurer in poh

Johnek 05-06-2005 15:27

Macie cos odemnie po dlugiej rozmowie nakrecilem Terro(ktory juz nie gra :( ) zeby skoczyl zemna na demonie ;p

Nosfe Draconis 05-06-2005 16:53

No wlasnie, co z tym terro?? szkoda go,pewnie znudzilo mu sie po zrobionym anni ;] niech rozda itemki lepiej :P<zart> ;];]

sorcerer-rudy 05-06-2005 17:28

jak wy cos dajecie to ja tez:p

Pharaun 05-06-2005 17:57

Omg... Jak wy możecie dawać ss'y na których widać jak na dłoni że korzystacie z cheatów?-.-

chesek 05-06-2005 18:16

Omg, nie twoja sprawa czy kto¶ używa cheatów czy nie.
Jego sprawa, jak gra, i czy go shakuj±. Każdy inaczej gra.

BTW: Słabe eq masz jak na ten lvl. :P

Adamsik 05-06-2005 21:03

Dwa awansy odemnie ;)



Nosfe Draconis 05-06-2005 23:06

No adams, rób 50 lvl i lecimy na fibule ;]

Tedi 07-06-2005 13:30

Gz Naz i Adams !

Adamsik 07-06-2005 16:11

Ty by¶ cos zaprezentowal a nie tak posty nabijasz :>

PalAnonim 07-06-2005 19:21

Przyszpanuje ;)

Biedny 07-06-2005 19:28


Kes on Harmonia 07-06-2005 19:29

hehe jak to dobrze widziec ze znajomym sie dobrze wiedzie :D gratulacje :]

Tedi 08-06-2005 18:21

A co mi tam macie ;)

1.5 godzinny hunt ;)

I lvl up plax B)

Adamsik 08-06-2005 19:02

Ted gratulowalem Ci już w tibi, ale jeszcze raz wielkie GZ! 8o

Super loocik!!

Nosfe Draconis 08-06-2005 20:08

Me plax 1!! ;] a tak na serio to stan dzisiejszy, skille trenuje do 80/80, moze do 85/85 :P

k0cz0wnik 08-06-2005 21:07

Gratz dla wszytkich... jak zrobie kilka ssow tez tu dam :D
@ Nosfe Draconis
Co to za mieczyk w twoim bp??:D

Nosfe Draconis 08-06-2005 21:51

to giant sword, tylko ze tibia.spr zadzialala ;] Jeszcze mam tak zmienionego Rh, jak bedzie w moim eq to zobaczycie :P

Tedi 09-06-2005 23:40

Następna porcja zdj±tek ;)

Loot (w jednym dniu to wszystko)!!! :evul:

I Ue ;)


Adamsik 10-06-2005 06:53

Hrhrrh. Jeszcze MMS? :>

Songo gohan 10-06-2005 09:46

No dobra teraz czas na mnie..
Wklejam zdjecie z moimi skillami(namówil mnie do tego Nosferatu Draconis dobry kolega z Gildi)
No wiec zamierzam trenowac do 85/85 a potem moze jakies ciekawe questy :) :P

Nosfe Draconis 10-06-2005 09:54

Osz ty czorcie, ja nie namawaim- ja tylko proponuje :P

Asenion 10-06-2005 12:12

Bardzo fajne SS'y,prosze o więcej !

Adamsik 10-06-2005 13:18

0.o za***isty shield :>

Najt of Destrukszyn 10-06-2005 15:41

kilka moich nedznych ss
tu mala wyprawa na cyklopy (żeby nie było ze same adv.)
comments plz

PS. moze niedlugo skocze na dragi

a tu taki maly offtop
bloknely mnie 4 cyce (3 naraz) poszedl bag uh i 3 vity
14:32 You lose 12 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:32 You lose 16 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:32 You lose 48 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:32 Paladyn Heniek: exura vita ""i co, ty chciales mnie zabic?
14:32 You lose 1 hitpoint due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 18 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 50 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 15 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 19 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 49 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 16 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 Paladyn Heniek: exura vita ""i co, ty chciales mnie zabic?
14:33 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 51 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 Paladyn Heniek: HELP
14:33 You lose 44 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 44 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 3 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 1 hitpoint due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 24 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 5 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 25 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 2 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 36 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 29 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 2 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 6 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 69 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 18 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 16 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 26 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 51 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 2 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 14 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:33 You lose 59 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 41 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 8 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 6 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 35 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 17 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 23 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 24 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 31 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 30 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 16 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 7 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 7 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 43 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 16 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 46 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 27 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 55 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:34 You lose 25 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 9 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 28 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 Paladyn Heniek: exura vita ""i co, ty chciales mnie zabic?
14:35 You lose 31 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 34 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 35 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 33 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 29 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 49 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 66 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 55 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 27 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 22 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 39 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 21 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 6 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 52 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 15 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 37 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:35 You lose 33 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:36 You lose 4 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:36 You see a ring of healing that has energy for 2 minutes left.It weighs 0.8 oz.
14:36 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:37 You lose 9 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:37 You lose 26 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:37 You lose 13 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.
14:37 Paladyn Heniek: utevo lux ""now i can see u
14:38 You lose 17 hitpoints due to an attack by a cyclops.

Wypas 10-06-2005 15:57

Niektóre sski niezłe. Jak mi net przestanie zamulać to wstawie kilka swoich. ;)

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