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stary 19-11-2004, 22:48   #11
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 19 10 2003
Lokacja: Spod Budki z Piwem
Wiek: 40

Posty: 566
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Imię: Bahzell
Świat: Chromaggus
Poziom: 80
Skille: 400/400

Hm..I heard, Obi need some help. Ask him, if you want.
Hmm.. I`ve heard that Obi needs some help. Ask him, if you want to.

Oh, i see you heard about my problems too. See, i called week ago a ship, and it didnt came yet. If you can search what happened here, i will be very grateful.
Oh, I see you`ve heard about my problems too. You See, I summoned a ship week ago, and it haven`t came yet. If you could check what has happend, I would be very grateful.

I only survived, all of my men are dead. Would you help me?
I`m the only who survived , all of my men are deard. Could you help me?

i will call Obi what happened here.
I will tell Obi what happened here.

Ostatnio edytowany przez ponczus - 20-11-2004 o 23:11.
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