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stary 16-12-2004, 14:05   #36
$corcerer's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 22 09 2003
Lokacja: Gdzieś w Necie. Liczba postów: koło 1337. http://rtfm.killfile.pl
Wiek: 38

Posty: 1,628
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Imię: Scorcerer
Profesja: Sorcerer
Gildia: Dreamers
Świat: Secura
Poziom: 23
Skille: 23/22
Poziom mag.: 42
Wyślij wiadomość przez ICQ do $corcerer $corcerer ma numer GG Użyj Jabbera. $corcerer ma login Tlenu scorcerer@tlen.pl Adres Jabbera do $corcerer

http://www.funpic.hu/swf/numanuma.swf <= polecam podglosic glosniczki
http://www.gamershell.com/news/18921.html <<== "A new movie from the Quick Done series which started with Quake years ago has been added in our download area. David 'marshmallow' Gibbons played Half-Life 2 from the beginning to the end in 2 hours, 57 minutes and 35 seconds. All demos are captured to AVI by David Rickard, appended into one file and compressed to one 320x240 version. More details can be found here. Don't forget to check out the other Quick Done movies from Quake (12 minutes and 23 seconds), Doom 2 (14 minutes and 41 seconds) and Half-Life (57 minutes and 52 seconds). Enjoy "

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