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stary 01-07-2009, 18:48   #49
Użytkownik Forum
Hakuoh's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 30 04 2005
Lokacja: Bełchatów/Reading
Wiek: 33
Wpisy bloga: 1

Posty: 1,622
Stan: Niegrający
Imię: Eldryzif
Profesja: Rookstayer
Świat: Calmera
Poziom: 74

Update: We expect to be back online by 21:00 CEST.

Też was kocham.
I'm in league with satan. Obey his commands. With the goat of Mendes. Sitting at his left hand. I'm in league with satan. I love the dead. No one prayed for Sodom. As the people fled.
Hakuoh jest offline