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stary 12-07-2009, 23:37   #2
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Palarizz's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 05 08 2007
Lokacja: Puławy

Posty: 53
Imię: Elan Graf
Profesja: Royal Paladin
Gildia: Attitude
Świat: Askara
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Quest bierzesz u kapitana statku na Yalahar (ten srodkowy statek)
Quest polega na zebraniu 5 specjałów z różnych miast:
- Ab'Dendriel: Bottle of Bug Milk (Bought from Brasith for 200gp.)
- Ankrahmun: Jug of Embalming Fluid (Bought from Mehkesh for 200gp.)
- Carlin: Bowl of Evergreen Flowers (Bought from Florentine for 150gp.)
- Darashia: Sample of Sand Wasp Honey (Bought from Omur for 200gp.)
- Liberty Bay: Rum Flask of Rum (Bought from Lyonel for 150gp or distilled by a player into a rum flask.)
- Port Hope: Elephant Tusk (Dropped by Elephants and Mammoths)
- Thais: Piece of Royal Satin (Bought from Gamon for 200gp.)
- Venore: Sample of Venorean Spice (Bought from Livielle for 200gp.)

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