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stary 04-06-2006, 02:08   #80
$corcerer's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 22 09 2003
Lokacja: Gdzieś w Necie. Liczba postów: koło 1337. http://rtfm.killfile.pl
Wiek: 38

Posty: 1,628
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Imię: Scorcerer
Profesja: Sorcerer
Gildia: Dreamers
Świat: Secura
Poziom: 23
Skille: 23/22
Poziom mag.: 42
Wyślij wiadomość przez ICQ do $corcerer $corcerer ma numer GG Użyj Jabbera. $corcerer ma login Tlenu scorcerer@tlen.pl Adres Jabbera do $corcerer

Moreover, if the Premium Account of a guild leader or vice leader runs out, he can still keep his position and perform every action connected to his guild rank. Note, if there are less than five premium players in the rank of the leader or vice leader, the guild will be disbanded after two weeks.
Finally, regular members are the rank and file of guilds, i.e. they make up the mass of guild members. A guild can have an infinite number of members, and any characters can join a guild provided they have been invited by the guild leader or by a vice leader.
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30 sekund.

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