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stary 15-11-2007, 23:28   #81

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PAMIĘTAJ! Źródłem utrzymania forum są reklamy. Dziękujemy za uszanowanie ich obecności.
stary 15-11-2007, 23:29   #82
Użytkownik Forum
MasterMorduk's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 13 03 2007
Lokacja: Bydgoszcz

Posty: 163
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Świat: Nerana

Użytkowników czytających ten temat: 368 (zarejestrowanych: 107, gości: 261)

Tak myślę sobie...hmm.. Nawet to dobrze, że Tibia się zmienia zawsze będzie coś nowego, ale coś starego...Wiadomo każdy ma inne zdanie ktoś tam napisze nie no ten update to jakiś OTS czy coś...Ale pamiętajcie, że z każdym updat'em będzie lepiej, bo Tibia będzie się rozwijała.. no chyba, że zbankrutują w co wątpię Moje zdanie...

Pozdrawiam Nemjakos
[14:27 Curtis'Spire [47]: nob jestes
14:27 Curtis'Spire [47]: pizdo
14:51 Curtis'Spire [47]: jeb sie
14:52 Curtis'Spire [47]: jesli uwazasz ze level 47 jest wysoki to zal mi cienbie
14:53 Curtis'Spire [47]:
14:53 Curtis'Spire [47]: same nooby
14:54 Curtis'Spire [47]: jest dla nobow

15:03 Curtis'Spire [47]: niepierdol
15:03 Curtis'Spire [47]: idioto
15:05 Nemjakos [26]: To po co teraz odstawiasz cyrk ?
15:05 Curtis'Spire [47]: bo tak
15:05 Curtis'Spire [47]: kurwa
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:29   #83
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 20 09 2007

Posty: 31
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Profesja: Elder Druid
Świat: Obsidia

i co ze uhy pojda do szafy?
kto je teraz bedzie uzywac?
Just let it go.
Epi- jest offline  
stary 15-11-2007, 23:33   #85
Użytkownik Forum
smikki's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 10 05 2006
Lokacja: nje

Posty: 507
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Imię: tipja
Profesja: Master Sorcerer
Gildia: ssie
Świat: paue
Poziom: :<
smikki ma numer GG 6035982

Użytkowników czytających ten temat: 381 (zarejestrowanych: 116, gości: 265)
Ten temat owni... Ciekawe to będzie co te cipki zrobią...btw. tibia staje się OTsem od poprzedniego updatu, teraz to kontynuacja... Cuż, pożyjemy zobaczymy jak to sie mówi

Ukryty tekst:
Aniazonka [153]: Kniryc, thats not funny, player with name 'Mam Chuja' does not exist
Disters [20]: za pare chwil bede kurewskim paladynem
Disters [20]: srry krolewskim
Ave'Sharaven [67]: i huj dzieciaki z hallowen do mnie przyszly
Ave'Sharaven [67]: wzielem kija jak typek zaczol spiepszac to mu maska spadla
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:33   #86
Kapłan Preclanski
Michoss's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 15 09 2006
Lokacja: Sosnowiec
Wpisy bloga: 145

Posty: 2,190
Michoss ma numer GG 5483916

Mocno okrojone to tibia.spr.
Wiem że mamy nowe smoki i cyklopy.
I nie da się wszystkich broni zenchantować, tylko kilka ;/.
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:33   #87
Użytkownik forum
Kontownik's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 30 07 2005

Posty: 3

- Jaka jest roznica w dmg miedzy ice vs fire (np. w draga) , a reszta elementow?
- Co z holy czarami palka?
- Ile czasu trwa nasycanie broni?
- Czy uzywa sie gemow (tych starych) czy sa to nowe itemki.
- Co z jaskiniami na polnocy Port hope
- Jakies nowe mobki?
- Nowe domki? ;p

Prosze zebyscie zamieszczali na te tematy, mysle ze inni sie ze mna zgodza ^_^

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Ostatnio edytowany przez Kontownik - 15-11-2007 o 23:38.
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:35   #88
Użytkownik Forum
lukii92's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 28 07 2005
Lokacja: Bieruń

Posty: 83
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Świat: Julera

Oryginalnie napisane przez Epi- Pokaż post
i co ze uhy pojda do szafy?
kto je teraz bedzie uzywac?

Użytkowników czytających ten temat: 376 (zarejestrowanych: 124, gości: 252)

Wiecie co bedzie w next update? Expa dla pacca razy 2 xD

Ale nie powiem Ots ładny zrobili

Best solo:[MONSTER]Dragon Lord[/MONSTER]
Best Team:[MONSTER]Demon[/MONSTER]
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:37   #89
Użytkownik Forum
Biorek's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 07 05 2007
Lokacja: Wawa

Posty: 76
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Elite Knight
Gildia: bez
Świat: Honera
Poziom: 94
Skille: 86/78
Poziom mag.: 7

są nowe potworki potem mi kolega da nowe ssy. itemów jest dużo nowych w tym kilka helmetów,bootsów i i itp.
~~~~~Hail Vision~~~~~
Pozdro dla:
Rajek of Knight-kumpel z real
~~~~~Hail Vision~~~~~


Ostatnio edytowany przez Biorek - 15-11-2007 o 23:40.
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:37   #90
Kapłan Preclanski
Michoss's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 15 09 2006
Lokacja: Sosnowiec
Wpisy bloga: 145

Posty: 2,190
Michoss ma numer GG 5483916

Użytkowników czytających ten temat: 400 (zarejestrowanych: 136, gości: 264)
Równe 400 ;D

Dawać screeny ;<
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:40   #91
Użytkownik Forum
Natan425's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 17 06 2007

Posty: 47
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Profesja: Elder Druid
Świat: Harmonia

Co z tymi czarami nowymi dla palka, jak sie spisują te nowe strzały, ile siadają święte speary np w bonebasta i co trzeba zeby je zrobić
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:42   #92
Użytkownik Forum
xoz's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 11 06 2007
Lokacja: ustka

Posty: 644
Stan: Niegrający

nowości by craban
2. Damagetypes and Resistances

a) Damagetypes

- Overall there are now the following types of damage:
- Poison belongs to Earth. Poison damage over time will stay as it is, just counted as Earth damage.
- Some spells and runes will have a different damage type, for example UE will now be Fire, SD will now be Death.
- Many new spells and runes are introduced for the new damage types.
- Sorcerers are the masters of Fire and Energy and are the only ones to create the top Death rune (SD).
- Druids are the masters of Ice and Earth and are the only ones to create the top healing rune (UH).
- Paladins are the only ones being able to use Holy damage.

b) Resistances

- Monsters will have certain resistances, e.g. some will get normal damage from fire, some more than usual, some less. Only very few will be totally immune (like a fire elemental).
- Players will also be able to protect themselves better against magical attacks with certain items that give additional resistances against certain damage types. There are not so many of those yet on this test server, but there will be a few more.

3. New Spells and Spell Adjustments

a) Adjustments

Almost all attack spells and runes have been altered in one way or another. In order to not influence your perception, I will not give you details but prefer that you test them and find out for yourself whether the mana needed is more suitable for what the spell / rune does now.

However, there are a few adjustments that you need to know. In order to have the spell words needed to cast the spell fit in with the new damage types, we had to change some of the words of old spells too. Here is the overview:

- Light Magic Missile: adori min vis
- Heavy Magic Missile: adori vis
- Stalagmite (used to be Envenom): adori tera
- Great Fireball: adori mas flam
- Sudden Death: adori gran mort

- Energy Wave: exevo vis hur
- Hell's Core (used to be Ultimate Explosion): exevo gran mas flam
- Wrath of Nature (used to be Poison Storm): exevo gran mas tera

Major changes have been done to the following:
- Envenom: Name = Stalagmite; Is now a Missile similar to HMM with Earth as damage type. It can now also be created by Sorcerers.
- Fireball: Is not an area rune anymore, but a strong Missile version of HMM with Fire damage, becomes premium only.

Some vocations will loose the ability to cast some spells / make some runes:

Paladin looses:
- Fireball
- Light Magic Missile
- Heavy Magic Missile

Druid looses:
- Fireball
- Great Fireball
b) New Spells

There will however be a lot of new spells and runes. Here is the list:

- Wound Cleansing (exana mort): LevelRequirement:30 ManaConsumption:55 (a Healing Spell just for Knights)

- Divine Missile (exori san): LevelRequirement:40 ManaConsumption:20 (~ a strike spell with Holy damage)
- Divine Caldera (exevo mas san): LevelRequirement:50 ManaConsumption:180 (~ an area instant like Groundshaker with Holy damage)

- Thunderstorm (adori mas vis): Runespell, LevelRequirement:28 ManaConsumption:430 (~ a slightly weaker GFB with Energy damage)
- Stalagmite (adori tera): Runespell, LevelRequirement:24 ManaConsumption:350 (~ HMM with Earth damage)
- Ice Strike (exori frigo): LevelRequirement:15 ManaConsumption:20 (Strikespell with Ice damage)
- Terra Strike (exori tera): LevelRequirement:13 ManaConsumption:20 (Strikespell with Earth damage)
- Rage of the Skies (exevo gran mas vis): LevelRequirement:55 ManaConsumption:650 (new ultimate spell, larger but weaker than UE with Energy damage)

- Stone Shower (adori mas tera): Runespell, LevelRequirement:28 ManaConsumption:430 (~ a slightly weaker GFB with Earth damage)
- Avalanche (adori mas frigo): Runespell, LevelRequirement:30 ManaConsumption:530 (~ GFB with Ice damage)
- Icicle (adori frigo): Runespell, LevelRequirement:28 ManaConsumption:460 (strong HMM with Ice damage)
- Ice Strike (exori frigo): LevelRequirement:15 ManaConsumption:20 (Strikespell with Ice damage)
- Terra Strike (exori tera): LevelRequirement:13 ManaConsumption:20 (Strikespell with Earth damage)
- Ice Wave (exevo frigo hur): LevelRequirement:18 ManaConsumption:25 (~ Fire Wave with Ice damage)
- Terra Wave (exevo tera hur): LevelRequirement:38 ManaConsumption:210 (~ Energy Wave with Earth damage)
- Eternal Winter (exevo gran mas frigo): LevelRequirement:60 ManaConsumption:1200 (~ Hell's Core = Ex UE with Ice damage)
4. Restoring Mana and Hitpoints

Healing formula is now the same as the new magic damage formula
- UH runes will hardly be useful for Knights and only partly interesting for paladins.
- Some values of healing spells have been recalculated.
3 different health potions: health potion (giving +/-100 HP), strong health potion (giving +/-300 HP) and great health potion (giving +/- 600 HP).
- the normal one can be used by everyone. The strong one is only for paladins and knights of level 50+ and the great one is only for knights of lvl 80+.
- They can be bought at the regular shops.
3 different mana potions: mana potion (giving +/-100 Mana), strong mana potion (giving +/-200 Mana) and great mana potion (giving +/- 300 Mana).
- the normal one can be used by everyone. The strong one is only for paladins and mages of level 50+ and the great one is only for mages of lvl 80+.
- They can be bought at the regular shops.

5. Changes to combat of players and monsters

a) Player combat

- Spells are now categorized. All spells that you cannot cast in a PZ count as aggressive. Those all have a delay on each other.
- All other spells are not affected by this delay, nor will they affect the aggressive spells. The other spells however will also have a delay on each other.
- The drinking of mana and health potions has a delay on each other and the use of runes, but does not influence the use of instant spells.

b) Monster combat

Monsters will now also have their own delay rules for aggressive and supportive spells. Overall, they will still deal roughly the same amount of damage, but they will not be able to cast all they have in the same second.
6. New weapon effects

a) Melee weapons

- Mages will now be able to enchant small gems:
small ruby --> at fire shrine by sorcerer
small amethyst --> at energy shrine by sorcerer
small emerald --> at earth shrine by druid
small sapphire --> at ice shrine by druid
- Every town has portals for the dedicated vocation to teleport to those shrines and back
- Enchanting one such gem takes 300 Mana
- These enchanted small gems can then be used to enchant some weapons with damage of the respective element
(Example: you can use an enchanted ruby to fill a spiked sword with 1000 charges of fire damage)
- Enchanted weapons have the same overall stats, but a certain percentage of the damage will be done in the damage type of the enchanted gem. If you use the right damage type against the right monster, the enchanted weapons will do more damage.

b) Ammunition

- There are elemental arrows for most of the new damage types.
- They are currently only buyable at the shop.

7. Client Changes

- improved automap cross (now automatically toggles between black and white)
- improved autowalk algorithm (can't "freeze" client for some seconds anymore)
- improved text effect placement (e.x. damage numbers, healing numbers, etc.)
- improved graphic effect possibilities (allows more fanciful effects)
- added new player state icons (freezing, dazzled, cursed)
- added default frame rate limitation (50 frames per second)
- added several small code improvements
- improved host name resolving

8. Test Server Specials

a) Spell Assistant

Only for this test server, we have introduced an NPC "Spell Assistant". One of these is walking around somewhere near depot in every major town. The Spell Assistant will:

- update all your spells to the new requirements (give you new ones and take away the ones you should not have)
- give you new runes for free
- give you potions for free
- give you elemental arrows for free
- give you small gems for free which sorcerers and druids of lvl 30 or higher can then enchant to pass to knights for their weapons.

- regular spell NPCs do not yet sell the spells regularly. This is not a bug, it simply is not implemented yet for this test.
- Before you get your spells adjusted by the Spell Assistant, you will still be able to cast old spells. This is not a bug. Just talk to the Spell Assistant and it will be as it should be.

b) Objectives and Rules

- You are asked to go hunting as you normally would and record all results in this thread as described there.
- Being on Test Server and a regular Server at the same time is forbidden.
- PVP must also be tested. Therefore, it is allowed, but you are asked to perform this only for test purposes and preferably with prior agreement of all contestants.
W blasku mojej zajebistości można piec ciasteczka.
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:42   #93
Użytkownik Forum
Nosferatu_Niedziel's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 08 07 2007
Lokacja: Łodź

Posty: 253
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Świat: Titania

To i tak nic w porównaniu z

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1081 (149 members and 932 guests)
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:43   #94
Użytkownik Forum
Lexii's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 12 08 2007

Posty: 442

LUDZIE NIE ZNIKNIE F AXE ... masz se (tak "se") spike sworda nasycasz go "ogniem" który daje np. 400 ładunku i przez 400 uderzeń masz "mieczo-rózgę" kpw. ? Na pewno ogień/lód będą najtańsze do uzupełnienia ..

PS. Co update 70% pisze ze się robi ots, co update ... i tak noobasy gracie <lol2> ...
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:44   #95
Użytkownik Forum
Psycho-Tata's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 20 02 2007
Lokacja: Chodzież

Posty: 158
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Imię: Kams
Profesja: Elite Knight
Gildia: Inshon
Świat: Furora
Psycho-Tata ma numer GG 5660601

podaj link do ich tematu
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:44   #96
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 28 12 2005

Posty: 129
Stan: Niegrający

Heheh zapowiada sie bardzo ciekawie .. Fajnie wojny beda wygladac . Beda takie ...Kolorowe
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:45   #97
Użytkownik Forum
Rockelness's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 09 04 2007
Wiek: 33

Posty: 34
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Elite Knight
Poziom: 87
Skille: 82/75
Poziom mag.: 6

Niech ktoś napisze czy knight dużo gorzej "wali" z broni itp......, a poza tym to dalej czekamy na nowe zdjęcia ...................
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:46   #98
Data dołączenia: 05 07 2007

Posty: 104
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Elite Knight
Gildia: Exhausted
Świat: Berylia
Poziom: 106
Skille: dwagile
Poziom mag.: 99

nie pdoba mi sie.. za dużo efektów.. Tibia wyróżniała się prostotą a teraz..

Ostatnio edytowany przez Krecikcisnie - 15-11-2007 o 23:51.
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:46   #99
Użytkownik Forum
Rudyg's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 16 06 2006
Lokacja: Śląsk

Posty: 109
Stan: Niegrający
Profesja: Knight
Rudyg ma numer GG 2262295 Send a message via Skype™ to Rudyg

WHAT A ?! czy ci z cipsoftu są upośledzeni czy co !? to ma być wyrównanie profesji, a nie upośledzenie knightów ;/
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stary 15-11-2007, 23:46   #100
Użytkownik Forum
Nosferatu_Niedziel's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 08 07 2007
Lokacja: Łodź

Posty: 253
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Świat: Titania

To niech mi ktos wytłumaczy wreszcie co bedzie z tym przeklętym fire axem? xD
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