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stary 17-06-2009, 15:32   #1
Rangers lead the way
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Data dołączenia: 25 02 2005
Wiek: 35

Posty: 860
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Świat: Astera
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Poziom mag.: 23
Domyślny Test serwer - info.

Prostu z Tutor Boardu

2. New Areas and revised Areas

Apart from Carlin, there are actually many other new or revised areas, either as stage for new quests or simply revamped. Here's a list of the major changes. Those that were added for quests only are NOT mentioned here - you will come across them automatically once you do the according quests (and probably only then).

a) Cities:

* Ab'Dendriel: revised Shadow Towers
* Ankhramun Tombs and many other underground buildings: added earth around the outer side of all walls
* Beregar: expanded city and caverns
* Carlin: revised all player houses/guildhouses and NPC houses including Carlin castle
* Edron: revised all houses inside the city walls, plus Stonehome
* Thais: revised all houses inside the city walls, plus Greenshore, Fibula and most guildhouses; added trophy exhibition under the Knights' Arena to display reward items obtained only through events
* General: it should be impossible now to throw garbage on balconies of player houses from the outside!

b) Dungeons:

* Added Water Elemental Dungeon under Tiquanda
* Added new mid-/highlevel dungeon on Liberty Bay mountain
* Added dragon lair north of Darashia
* Added Beholder/Gozzler dungeon near Beregar
* Added Medusa/Serpent Spawn Dungeon on the Forbidden Islands
* Revised Tarantula Caves underground connections under Tiquanda
* Revised Treasure Island Dungeon and added monsters
* Changed position of Plague Bearer caves in Yalahar Questline to smoothen the difficulty curve
* Revised Laguna Island dungeons
* Revised Demona

c) Other:

* Meluna: added honeymoon island west of Fibula (reachable by boat from Fibula until one day after the wedding)
* General: many very small or thin items are now ignored if you look at them. That means, a grass patch with a tiny stone in one corner of it will now be displayed as "you see grass" instead of "you see a stone" because of the gazillions of bug reports dealing with this tragical problem over the past years

Please note that these revisions are mostly only graphical or structural changes. Changes in monster spawns or monsters in general will be mentioned further below.

3. NPCs

Please have a conversation with the following NPCs. Depending on their function, check if e.g. buying/selling single and multiple items or exchanging money works as it should. Most of the new NPCs, however, are questrelated or only reachable by fulfilling certain requirements. Please check the comment in brackets for further information about the whereabouts of that NPC.

a) New NPCs:

* Amarie (Ab'Dendriel, quest NPC)
* Eclesius (South of Thais, low level quest/task NPC)
* Grodrik (Kazordoon, quest NPC)
* Turian (South of Thais, quest NPC)
* Rehon (Beregar, quest NPC)
* Tehlim (Beregar, quest NPC)
* Skip (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Polly (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Skeleton Guard (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Captain Waverider (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Grizzly Adams (Tiquanda, Quest NPC)
* Telas (Edron, Quest NPC)
* Scutty (Kazordoon, Quest NPC)
* Boveas (Mintwalin, Quest NPC)
* Cerdras (Carlin, Quest NPC)
* Dreadeye (Necropolis, Quest NPC)
* Milos (Edron, Quest NPC)
* Rapanaio (Kazordoon, Quest NPC)
* Alissa (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Satsu (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Ferryman Kamil (transporter to Meluna and back from Fibula)
* Nienna (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Tanaro (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Llathriel (Ab'Dendriel, Marriage NPC)
* Ferus (Kazordoon, Marriage NPC)
* Finarfin (Ab'Dendriel, Bank NPC)
* Cillia (Thais, Prize Exhibition ticket seller)
* Naji (Thais depot, new bank NPC)
* Lucius (Yalahar, event NPC)
* Jean Pierre (near Marid fortress, event NPC)

b) Changes in old NPCs:

* Norf, Humphrey, Edala, Pydar, Eremo and all city guides help through the Pilgrimage of Ashes
* Lynda: added real marriage function
* Lugri: added divorce function and hunting task
* Brewster: added divorce function
* Daniel Steelsoul: added hunting tasks
* Riker: added hunting tasks
* Briasol: removed bank functionality
* Tezila: removed bank functionality
* Lokur: added bank functionality

4. Monsters

a) New Monsters:
Of course, there are more monsters than the Medusa to enter the Tibian world during this update. All in all there are 17 new bosses, 20 new monsters which you can only encounter during events and 13 new monsters which will make your quest trips a lot harder. Since graphics time was short this update and they don't have new and unique sprites they weren't mentioned in the monster teaser. However you'll surely meet a few surprises if you solve all quests and take part in events!

b) Hunting Ground Analysis:
Here are the most relevant changes in monsters and monster homes. If your level and equipment allow it, please try them out and feel free to leave us feedback in the according thread

* Earth Elemental: replaced some gold loot by sellable items
* Hellspawn: improved loot
* Marid/Efreet: reduced damage, slightly improved exp
* Zombies: less mana drain, slightly improved loot
* Serpent Spawn: improved loot
* Plaguesmith: improved loot
* Wyrm: improved loot, slightly more exp
* War Golem: a little less healing, improved loot, a little more exp
* Lost Soul: reduced hitpoints, improved loot
* Grim Reaper: improved exp
* Werewolf: improved loot, increased exp
* Cyclops Smith: improved loot
* Mutated Bat: reduced damage, improved loot, removed drunk
* Water Elemental: added corpse including function to fish for items in the corpse
* Braindeath: slightly reduced summon possibility
* Vampire Bride: improved loot
* Wisp: turned into ambient monster (flees from players)
* Sea Serpent: improved loot, removed flee threshold
* Mutated Human: slightly weakened poison and strongly weakened paralyze
* Dark Apprentice: higher chance to drop potions
* Dark Magician: higher chance to drop potions
* Fire Devil: improved exp
* Quara Constrictor: slightly improved loot, slightly weakened
* All elves: improved loot
* Energy Elemental: improved loot
* Elementals in Elemental Spheres: improved loot, weakened resistances according to vocations who are supposed to hunt there
* Frost Giantess: increased drop chance for small stones
* Gargoyle: greatly increased drop chance for small stones
* Goblins: reduced drop chance for small stones
* Ice witch: improved hitpoints
* Infernalist: added small hit damage in close combat, slightly reduced loot
* Chakoya: slightly reduced loot, made them stronger
* Worker Golems: reduced drop chance for diamonds, added more hitpoints
* Rotworms: reduced gold slightly
* Ghouls: reduced gold slightly
* Hellfire Fighter: slightly reduced loot
* Mutated Tiger: increased Peak damage
* Mad Scientists: reduced gold slightly, improved potion drops
* Okolnir: slightly increased spawn time on all monster homes, reduced a few spawn numbers
* Laguna Islands and Banuta: adjusted raids
* Chor: added more options to enter the camp including a secret one
* Yalahar Magicians: reduced easily accessible infernalist spawns and lengthened spawn times; re-distributed some monster homes in the towers
* Yalahar Demons: added portals to allow access only by sacrificing one random elemental soil
* Djinn Towers Ankrahmun: slightly reduced spawns and improved distribution of monsters to prevent the worst "ganging"
* Thais Dragon Lair: improved spawn time (faster now)
* Sea Serpents Svargrond: improved monster distribution

Changes in Raids:

* Altered location of Horned Fox Raid - appears in different alternative areas now
* Altered location of Demodras Raid - appears in different alternative areas now

5. New Quests and Tasks

There are a LOT of new quests and you might not be able to solve all of them during the test server time. So maybe focus on two or three and test them really thoroughly instead of trying to rush through everything! Here are some hints for quest starters:

* Find the house of the sorcerer Eclesius south of Thais and become his assistant (should only work if you're under level 20). You can then solve 5 different daily tasks and also follow a questline of six missions. Keep in mind that he's confused and forgetful!
* Find Telas in Stonehome and ask him for a mission to trigger a questline, in which you will find out more about the mysterious golems that roam Yalahar.
* Talk to Emperor Rehal in Beregar if you solved the quest "Justice for All" and ask him for a new mission to be sent on an expedition to find his lost son.
* Look out for suspicious pirate raids in Liberty Bay and maybe find an item you haven't seen before...
* Talk to Budrik in the mines of Kazordoon about a mission if you solved "To Outfox a Fox" before.
* Find Grizzly Adams south of the river east of Port Hope and ask him to join his guild "Paw and Fur Elite"
* Find the dwarf Rapanaio in Kazordoon and try to find out if there's really something behind the strange stories he's telling you...
* Talk to any city guide if you're still under Level 25 and have him or her send you on a quest called the "Pilgrimage of Ashes" to get all blessings for a reduced price! Note that if you become higher than level 25 at any time during the quest (except if you've already been at Eremo), you can't finish the quest anymore. However, the guide will offer you to remove it from your questlog then.
* Talk to Lugri (over level 50), Daniel Steelsoul (under level 60), Ray Striker (if you've finished the Shattered Island quest), both Djinn leaders (depending on which side you are) about new hunting tasks.

6. Marriage

If you've already been "married" in Tibia, you might still remember how the marriage ceremony worked at Lynda in Thais. The new marriage function builds on that basis, but has "real" consequences now, so think first and marry then

You can choose among three possible places for your wedding: The church in Thais (as before), a dwarven chapel in Kazordoon (north of the temple) and on the flower hill in Ab'Dendriel (north-east of the town). Before you can marry, buy a wedding outfit (at Norbert in Venore) and a wedding ring, else the ceremony can't begin. The ceremony should hopefully be rather easy to follow and there are several possibilities to finish it successfully. At the end of your wedding, both of you will receive engraved wedding rings with your names and date on them and have the right to travel to Meluna (via Ferryman Kamil on Fibula) on the same day of your wedding. A divorce can be carried out either at Lugri north of Thais or at Brewster in Port Hope and should hopefully also be easy to do. Please check especially for the following things:

* It should not be possible to get married without having handed over the required items
* It should not be possible to get married if you OR the other person are already married to someone
* It should, however, be possible to get married again after a divorce, no matter who divorced whom
* It's only possible to get married to someone who is online at the same time (but not necessarily standing beside you)
* It's possible to get divorced from someone who is NOT online (and only the rings YOU carry are broken during the divorce)
* Marrying someone of the same sex is possible, but you cannot marry yourself
* It's not possible for someone to marry you without your agreement (no interruptions of newbie chars possible)
* The whole ceremony should be visible to the audience in default channel
* The whole island of Meluna is PZ without regeneration. You can stay for longer than a day after your wedding as long as you don't leave the island, but can't travel back once you've left it until you marry again
* Upon a divorce, both characters should lose the right to wear the wedding outfit
* If a married character is rooked, the marital status will remain

7. New Events and Items

There are two new events - one for August and one for November. Usually we would not spoil them, but since both of them are rather large and require functional testing, we decided to let you try them out.

The Cooking Event takes place in a previous inaccessible place close to the fortress of the Marid. NPC Jean Pierre is a chef and will happily introduce you to the secrets of his recipes. Once you've done his questline for the first time and cooked all 10 meals, you can recreate each dish ONCE per year.

The Lightbearer Event is a huge spectacle that requires many people on the server to actually work together over a longer time span. The basic idea is to keep 10 lights burning for 5 days by regularily using magical torches on them (each two hours). You can only use your torch once on each light basin. If only one light goes out, the event is lost and strong demonic creatures and annoying essences of darkness will enter Tibia for half a day. However, if you actually manage to keep the lights burning... well, I won't tell you what will happen then, but something good The event on the test server will start on 21th June at Lucius in the magician quarter of Yalahar - but nothing serious will happen until the 22th of June after server save. I know you have to work and study and all, but who knows, maybe you can do it! If not, see it as practice for the real server

Concerning new items: there are also many new additions that I won't spoil here, as usual. You should be able to obtain most of the new items during your tests. Those of you who have done the Explorer Society quests should be able to buy valuable crown backpacks as reward from either Angus or Mortimer. If you have finished one of the secret service questlines - and always wondered what the heck is in that parcel - you can now open it to receive a special gadget. Please try it out on everything you might think of!

8. Adjusted Protection Zones

We decided to make a few spots in Tibia safer, especially those that were predestined for assaults because people usually walk there with a lot of money in their pockets. Here's what has been changed:

* Thais: PZ added to throneroom and upper castle tower
* Kazordoon: PZ added to throneroom
* Carlin: PZ added to castle
* Edron: PZ on groundfloor above depot added (including bank and post office)
* Ab'Dendriel: PZ added in Post office; added new bank counter at the depot
* Ankrahmun: PZ added to shop pyramid and promotion room
* Darashia: PZ added to the Caliph's palace
* Port Hope: PZ added to shops building
* Svargrond: United bank and post into a big room, added PZ
* Venore: PZ added to small depot in the north-east (including bank and post office)
* Yalahar: PZ added to bank/ post office building

You can test all protection zones by using the new "protection zone icon" shown in the client (the white pigeon on a blue circle). Thus you should finally know whether you're standing in a PZ or not. There is also a new icon (red crossed swords) to symbolise whether you may not enter a PZ (a harsher variant of the simple logout block - white crossed swords). Please check out whether they work as they should!
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PAMIĘTAJ! Źródłem utrzymania forum są reklamy. Dziękujemy za uszanowanie ich obecności.
stary 17-06-2009, 15:33   #2
Rangers lead the way
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Data dołączenia: 25 02 2005
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Poziom mag.: 23


I'll give you a few more details on the exact features and changes that we consider to be related to PvP and which you should discuss and about which you should report any strange behaviour here in this thread.

# Display enhancements: PZ-block as other version of logout block symbol and a new symbol showing when a character stands on a PZ field.

This is a mere display function. Basically, except for the following 2 changes, this should be the same as it used to, but now you can actually see whether it does what it is supposed to.

# Several protection zones have been slightly expanded

With the new PZ icon, you can easily check whether those PZ zones are correct. Most of them are in banks and post offices, sometimes also certain shop areas.

# No PZ-block for defender

If someone is attacked, the character can fight back against the attacker and then still decide to go into a protection zone after that, including after killing his attacker. This is the only change concerning when you get a PZ-block. Again, with the new display, you can easily test this.

# Kill counts for all damage dealers

After a PvP death, all damage dealers up to a maximum of 20, including the actual killer that have done damage in the last 60 seconds before the death will be entered as murderers and displayed and linked on the characters info page as killers. Now we do not have a test website, so you cannot really check this there. What you can do is talk about who got skulls and such.

# Black Skull (ingame punishment instead of banishment for PKing)

Receiving the black skull follows the exact same rules as are now responsible when an account gets banished for excessive unjustified player killing. It has the same effects as a red skull plus:

- Character cannot attack any unmarked character for the duration of the black skull
- Character cannot use aggressive area spells like waves, beams and strike spells that are not clearly aimed at a target, aggressive area runes, burst arrows, summon spells, convince or undead leagon for the duration of the black skull
- Character will receive 100% damage in PvP instead of 50%
- When the character dies, the character spawns in the temple with 40 hitpoints and 0 mana
- The skull lasts for 45 days

The most interesting part for us here is to know whether you can find any way to still do damage to an unmarked character when you have a black skull. Note however that you should avoid getting that skull with your main character since it will make it considerably harder for you to test the other content of this update.


We do not want to impose any special rules for this Testserver. However, we expect you to behave as fairly as possible, even while trying to test the changes to the PvP system.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Kojotes - 17-06-2009 o 15:35.
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stary 17-06-2009, 15:55   #3
Użytkownik Forum
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Data dołączenia: 29 06 2006
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Świat: Julera
Poziom: 63
Skille: 23/29
szpigiel001 ma numer GG 2430944

hmmm.... Nie jest tak źle z tymi nowymi PZ
One saves a life...One takes it away...
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stary 17-06-2009, 16:10   #4
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Tedy słodko. Niby w pizdu zabiegów kosmetycznych i drobnych poprawek, ale całość prezentuje się całkiem nieźle. Jak za każdym razem, tak i teraz najbardziej interesują mnie nowe potwory i questy Zapowiada się ciekawie.
West Ham till I die.

Playing in memory of MMoH and MMoG. Miss you!
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stary 17-06-2009, 16:48   #5
Użytkownik Forum
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Data dołączenia: 29 06 2006
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Imię: Seven Thel
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Świat: Julera
Poziom: 63
Skille: 23/29
szpigiel001 ma numer GG 2430944

Jednym słowem: Miodzio
Naprawdę ten update bardzo ciekawie się zapowiada.
One saves a life...One takes it away...
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stary 17-06-2009, 17:00   #6
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Data dołączenia: 31 08 2007

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Wzrośnie cena kamieni xd
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stary 17-06-2009, 17:07   #7
Pirate Cutthroats
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Świat: Real life

* General: it should be impossible now to throw garbage on balconies of player houses from the outside!


*Added new mid-/highlevel dungeon on Liberty Bay mountain

Wreszcie się coś będzie działo

*Chor: added more options to enter the camp including a secret one

Dobre, dobre, może wreszcie ludziom znudzi się lurowanie hydry.

* Altered location of Horned Fox Raid - appears in different alternative areas now

Zajefajnie Wreszcie jest jakaś szansa na zdobycie nose ringa


Przecież na Sibangach jest tego od zasrania (kamieni), dlaczego miałaby wzrosnąć?
Gugo Blood [47]: twoja stara pije wode po pierogach
Coconut Almighty [20]: this game is for young old and prehistoricals
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stary 17-06-2009, 17:08   #8
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Data dołączenia: 24 03 2006
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Świat: Morgana, Kyra

Dzię ku je myy
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stary 17-06-2009, 17:08   #9
Użytkownik forum
Data dołączenia: 14 06 2009
Lokacja: Lidzbark

Posty: 21
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Elder Druid
Gildia: Bomba Squad
Świat: Luminera
Poziom: 192
Skille: 27
Poziom mag.: 80

Changes in Raids:

* Altered location of Horned Fox Raid - appears in different alternative areas now
* Altered location of Demodras Raid - appears in different alternative areas now

no to jak gdzie obstawiacie że będą się respić ?
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stary 17-06-2009, 17:12   #10
Pirate Cutthroats
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Data dołączenia: 05 08 2006
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Stan: Niegrający
Świat: Real life

Oryginalnie napisane przez SzadowFeruKiller Pokaż post
Changes in Raids:

* Altered location of Horned Fox Raid - appears in different alternative areas now
* Altered location of Demodras Raid - appears in different alternative areas now

no to jak gdzie obstawiacie że będą się respić ?
Pod depo w Kazz.
Gugo Blood [47]: twoja stara pije wode po pierogach
Coconut Almighty [20]: this game is for young old and prehistoricals
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stary 17-06-2009, 17:19   #11
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Oryginalnie napisane przez Pirate Cutthroats Pokaż post

Przecież na Sibangach jest tego od zasrania (kamieni), dlaczego miałaby wzrosnąć?
A dlaczego royal speary nie są warte 6 gp, tak jak u npc?
Sibangi są dostępne tylko dla pacc, gobliny również dla facc. Gracze z kontem premium będą mieli lepszy dostęp do kamieni, a co za tym idzie będą wyznaczali większą cenę faccom. Tak już gospodarka tibijska działa.
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stary 17-06-2009, 18:42   #12
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 16 01 2008
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Stan: Niegrający

Royal Speary kosztują 15 gp, a nie 6

Ah, Cipsoftowi znowu się udało Po update wracam do gry nową postacią, głownie po to, żeby zrobić nowe questy .

Chyba najlepiej zapowiadający się update od daawna.
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stary 17-06-2009, 18:43   #13
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 26 08 2008
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Jimoroks ma numer GG 1422223

Mógłby to ktoś przetłumaczyć?
Byłbym wdzięczny, bo az taki ogar nie jestem i wszystkiego nie ogarniam, a translatory to sami wiecie.


Ostatnio edytowany przez Jimoroks - 18-06-2009 o 09:14.
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stary 17-06-2009, 19:17   #14
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 16 01 2008
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Stan: Niegrający

Oryginalnie napisane przez Kojotes Pokaż post
Prostu z Tutor Boardu

2. Nowe tereny i odnowione tereny
Oprócz Carlin jest także mnóstwo innych, nowych bądź odnowionych miejsc do polowań, a także miejsc questowych. Te drugie nie są wymienione, natkniecie się na nie w czasie wykonywania questu (i prawdopodobnie tylko wtedy).

a) Miasta:

* Ab'Dendriel: odnowione Shadow Towers
* Krypty w Ankrahmun i wiele innych podziemnych miejsc: dodano ziemię, za zewnętrznymi ścianami.
* Beregar: poszerzone miasto i jaskinie
* Carlin: odnowione wszystkie domki, giuldhalle i zamek.
* Edron: Odnowione wszystkie domki w mieście + Stonehome
* Thais: Odnowione wszystkie domki w mieście + Greenshore, Fibula i większość guildhalli; dodana wystawa trofeów pod Knights' Arena
* General: Niemowżliwe będzie wrzucanie śmieci na balkony i do domków z piętra niżej.

b) Dungeons:

* Water Elementale pod Tiquanda
* Nowy loch w górach Liberty Bay dla mid/high leveli.
* Dragon Lair kolo Darashi
* Beho/gozzlery koło Beregar
* Medusa/Serpent Spawn na Forbidden Island
* Odnowione Tarantula Caves pod Tiquanda
* Odnowiona Treasure Island i dodane potwory
* Zmienione miejsce bossów Bog Riderów w Yalahar quescie
* Odnowione Laguna Islands
* Odnowiona Demona

c) Other:

* Meluna: dodana wyspa dla nowożeńców, kolo Fibuly
* General: wiele małych lub lekkich przedmiotów będzie teraz niezauważanych np. kiedy dacie "look" na trawę z małym kamykiem, pojawi się "you see a grass" nie "you see a stone" wprowadziliśmy to ze względu na tryliony zgłoszeń żeby naprawić ten poważny problem (xD)

Te poprawki są głownie graficzne, zmiany w spawnach macie niżej.

3. NPCs

Nowi NPC, należy z nimi pogadać, większość związana z questami.

a) New NPCs:

* Amarie (Ab'Dendriel, quest NPC)
* Eclesius (South of Thais, low level quest/task NPC)
* Grodrik (Kazordoon, quest NPC)
* Turian (South of Thais, quest NPC)
* Rehon (Beregar, quest NPC)
* Tehlim (Beregar, quest NPC)
* Skip (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Polly (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Skeleton Guard (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Captain Waverider (Treasure Hunt, Quest NPC)
* Grizzly Adams (Tiquanda, Quest NPC)
* Telas (Edron, Quest NPC)
* Scutty (Kazordoon, Quest NPC)
* Boveas (Mintwalin, Quest NPC)
* Cerdras (Carlin, Quest NPC)
* Dreadeye (Necropolis, Quest NPC)
* Milos (Edron, Quest NPC)
* Rapanaio (Kazordoon, Quest NPC)
* Alissa (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Satsu (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Ferryman Kamil (transporter to Meluna and back from Fibula)
* Nienna (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Tanaro (Meluna, Shop NPC)
* Llathriel (Ab'Dendriel, Marriage NPC)
* Ferus (Kazordoon, Marriage NPC)
* Finarfin (Ab'Dendriel, Bank NPC)
* Cillia (Thais, Prize Exhibition ticket seller)
* Naji (Thais depot, new bank NPC)
* Lucius (Yalahar, event NPC)
* Jean Pierre (near Marid fortress, event NPC)

b) Zmiany w starych NPC:

* Norf, Humphrey, Edala, Pydar, Eremo and all city guides help through the Pilgrimage of Ashes
* Lynda: added real marriage function
* Lugri: added divorce function and hunting task
* Brewster: added divorce function
* Daniel Steelsoul: added hunting tasks
* Riker: added hunting tasks
* Briasol: removed bank functionality
* Tezila: removed bank functionality
* Lokur: added bank functionality

4. Monsters

a) New Monsters:
Oprócz Meduzy pojawią sie także inne potwory, łącznie będzie dodane 17 bossów, 20 stworów eventowych i 13 normalnych
b)Zmiany w miejscach do polowań:

* Earth Elemental: zamiast części złota, itemy które można sprzedać
* Hellspawn: poprawiony loot
* Marid/Efreet: zmniejszone obrażenia lekko poprawiony exp
* Zombies: mniejszy mana drain, lekko poprawiony loot
* Serpent Spawn: poprawiony loot
* Plaguesmith: poprawiony loot
* Wyrm: poprawiony loot, troche więcej exp
* War Golem: lekko zmniejszone leczenie, poprawiony loot, trochę wiecej exp
* Lost Soul: zmniejszone hitpoints, poprawiony loot
* Grim Reaper: poprawiony exp
* Werewolfoprawiony loot, poprawiony exp
* Cyclops Smith: poprawiony loot
* Mutated Bat: zmniejszony damage, poprawiony loot, nie upija
* Water Elemental: można łowić itemy w ciele
* Braindeath: rzadziej summonuje
* Vampire Bride: poprawiony loot
* Wisp: turned into ambient monster (flees from players) - tego nie rozumiem
* Sea Serpent: poprawiony loot, removed flee threshold
* Mutated Human: lekko słabsza trucizna i dużo słabszy paraliż
* Dark Apprentice: więcej potionów
* Dark Magician: więcej potionów
* Fire Deviloprawiony exp
* Quara Constrictor: poprawionyloot, trochę słabszy
* Elfy: poprawiony loot
* Energy Elementaloprawiony loot
* Elementals in Elemental Spheres: poprawiony, osłabione odporności
* Frost Giantess: większa szansa na small stony
* Gargoyle: znacznie większa szansa na small stony
* Goblins: mniej small stonów
* Ice witch: poprawione hitpoints
* Infernalist: zadaje teraz troche obrażeń w zwarciu, lekko słabszy loot
* Chakoya: osłabiony loot, silniejsze
* Worker Golems: mniej diamentów, więcej hp
* Rotworms: mniej gp
* Ghouls: mniej gp
* Hellfire Fighter: lekko obniżony loot
* Mutated Tiger: zwiększone obrażenia
* Mad Scientists: mniej złota, ale więcej potionów
* Okolnir: dłuższy czas spawnu i mniej potworów (WRESZCIE!!)
* Laguna Islands and Banuta: zmodyfikowane raidy
* Chor: więcej opcji wejścia, także sekretne
* Yalahar Magicians: utrudniony dostęp do infernalistów, zmienione rozłożenie potworów
* Yalahar Demons: portale, żeby przejść musisz zużyć elemental soil
* Djinn Towers Ankrahmun: nieco mniejsze spawny, lepsze rozłożenie potworów
* Thais Dragon Lair: szybszy resp
* Sea Serpents Svargrond: ulepszone rozłożenie potworów

Zmiany w raidach:

Zmiana miejsc spawnu Demodrasa i Horned Foxa

Nowych questów i ślubów nie tłumacze, macie to wszystko w teaserach.

7. Nowe przedmioty i eventy

Event na gotowanie - wypełniasz questy, przyrządzasz posiłki, jak zrobisz wszystkie 10 możesz potem odtworzyć raz w roku jedno danie (pewnie na test serwerze będzie więcej szczegółów)

Event Swiateł polega na utrzymywaniu płonących magicznych pochodni przez 5 dni non stop. Jak jedna zgaśnie, na pół dnia Tbię nawiedzą demony i inne mroczne stwory, jak nie stanie się coś dobrego (tajemnica)

Nowych itemów jak zwykle nie zdradzimy, sami odkryjecie wszystko w swoim czasie. Dla tych, którzy ukończyli Explorer Society, są specjalne plecaki z koroną (Crown backpack, pewnie coś związane z crown setem). A Ci którzy mają paczkę Secret Service Quetów, mogą ją teraz otworzyć.

8. Zwiększone Protection Zones

* Thais: PZ sala tronowa i zamek
* Kazordoon: sala tronowa
* Carlin:zamek
* Edron: ponad depotem
* Ab'Dendriel: na poczcie, nowy bank
* Ankrahmun: sklepy i miejsce kupowania promocji
* Darashia: pałac
* Port Hope: sklepy
* Svargrond: bank i poczta razem, dodane PZ
* Venore:bank i poczta
* Yalahar: bank i poczta

Wprowadzona zostanie też ikona oznaczająca że jesteś w PZ oraz taka oznaczająca blokadę PZ
Uff, mam nadzieje, że się ucieszycie, i że nikt przede mną nie przetłumaczył Pewnie sa jakieś literówki ale nvm.
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stary 20-06-2009, 15:30   #15
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 16 06 2009

Posty: 62
Stan: Aktywny Gracz

Będą się respic na pacc......... w dodatku na pacc benda trainery < lol >
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stary 20-06-2009, 15:36   #16
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Fushion's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 26 06 2007
Lokacja: ..::RyBnIk::..

Posty: 203
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Knight
Gildia: Big Team
Świat: Guardia
Fushion ma numer GG 2566119

Najbardziej to mnie boli mniejsza ilosc gp z żuli i rotow i gdzie teraz mam bocic
Aha no i mniej stone'ow z goblinow? fail
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stary 20-06-2009, 15:55   #17
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Tjolek's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 15 12 2008

Posty: 127

Okolnir: dłuższy czas spawnu i mniej potworów (WRESZCIE!!)
To knight ma już w ogóle poexpione... Teraz okolnir będzie dla 80+rp ze starami.

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stary 20-06-2009, 16:07   #18
Użytkownik Forum
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Data dołączenia: 08 08 2007

Posty: 102
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Imię: Korova
Profesja: Master Sorcerer
Gildia: Fate
Świat: Harmonia
Poziom: 213
Poziom mag.: 82

wbilem 800k Expa na Hellspawnach i lootlem tylko mase GHP and GP

A tym którzy mi złorzeczą - dużo ciepła... Jestem spokojny

Interpol / <3
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