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Eternia Wydarzenia ze świata Eternia

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stary 13-04-2008, 09:32   #1
Użytkownik Forum
Aknee's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 16 09 2005
Lokacja: Zgierz

Posty: 50
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Royal Paladin
Świat: Harmonia
Domyślny First Eternian Rare Exhibition


Wczoraj dnia 12.04.2008 od godziny 9:30 na naszym serwerze miała miejsce pierwsza wystawa rzadkich rzeczy zorganizowana przez Krina i Soul Brothera, wielu graczy posiadających niespotykane itemy zgodziło się na zaprezentowanie ich wszystkim graczom na tibianicu. Sam event był bardzo klimatyczny na samym początku podziwialiśmy wystawe, nastepnie można było zejść piętro niżej na poczęstunek oraz poprosić barmana o nalanie kolejki piwa, wina bądź lemoniady. Gdy już wszyscy posiedzieli przy stole przyszedł czas na mecz, gracze zeszli kolejne piętro niżej gdzie przygotowane było boisko do piłki nożnej. Po dwóch godzinach od rozpoczęcia eventu na statek przybył mistrz gry Lantheos który gratulował organizatorom świetnego pomysł a następnie zaczął odpowiadać na pytania graczy, po kolejnej godzinie do eventu przyłączyło się dwóch CMów:
CM Andasstra
CM Denson
Na wystawę według obliczeń Krina przybyło około 400-500 graczy, koszt biletów wynosił jedynie 200gp.
Lista rzeczy wystawionych na wystawie:
23:22 You see a magician hat (Arm:1).
23:22 You see a dwarven armor (Arm:10).
23:22 You see a shield of honour (Def:33).

23:22 You see a dragon claw.
23:22 You see a nose ring.
23:22 You see a mandrake.
23:22 You see a soul stone.
23:22 You see Ferumbras' hat (Arm:1).

23:22 You see a stonecutter axe (Atk:50 Def:30 +3).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 90 or higher.
23:22 You see a thunder hammer (Atk:49 Def:35 +1).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 85 or higher.
23:22 You see a magic sword (Atk:48 Def:35 +3).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 80 or higher.
23:22 You see a violet gem.
23:22 You see a blue gem.
23:22 You see a green gem.
23:22 You see a yellow gem.
23:22 You see a red gem.
23:22 You see an annihilation bear.
23:22 You see a golden figurine.
Nothing is written on it.
23:22 You see a demon armor (Arm:16).

23:22 You see demon legs (Arm:9).
23:22 You see a demon armor (Arm:16).
23:22 You see a demon helmet (Arm:10).
23:22 You see a red tome.
23:22 You see a purple tome.
23:22 You see a blue tome.
23:22 You see golden legs (Arm:9).
23:22 You see a golden armor (Arm:14).
23:23 You see a golden helmet (Arm:12).
23:23 You see a medal of honour.
You are too far away to read it.
23:23 You see a teddy bear.
23:23 You see a broken amulet.
23:23 You see magma legs (Arm:8).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher.
23:23 You see a magma coat (Arm:11).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 50 or higher.
23:23 You see a magma monocle (Arm:5).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
23:23 You see a glacier mask (Arm:5).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
23:23 You see a glacier robe (Arm:11).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 50 or higher.
23:23 You see glacier kilt (Arm:8).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher.
23:23 You see glacier shoes (Arm:2).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 35 or higher.
23:23 You see a terra hood (Arm:5).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
23:23 You see a lightning robe (Arm:11).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 50 or higher.
23:23 You see lightning legs (Arm:8).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher.
23:23 You see lightning boots (Arm:2).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 35 or higher.
23:23 You see a terra hood (Arm:5).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
23:23 You see a terra mantle (Arm:11).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 50 or higher.
23:23 You see terra boots (Arm:2).
It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 35 or higher.
23:23 You see a chaos mace (Atk:44 Def:21).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 45 or higher.
23:23 You see a mercenary sword (Atk:43 Def:27).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 40 or higher.
23:23 You see a demonrage sword (Atk:47 Def:22).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 60 or higher.
23:23 You see a demonbone amulet.
23:23 You see a titan axe (Atk:43 Def:30).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 40 or higher.
23:23 You see a dreaded cleaver (Atk:40 Def:19 -3).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 40 or higher.
23:23 You see a shadow sceptre (Atk:39 Def:17).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 35 or higher.
23:23 You see a war horn.
23:23 You see a hammer of wrath (Atk:48 Def:12).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 65 or higher.
23:23 You see a djinn blade (Atk:38 Def:22 +2).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 35 or higher.
23:23 You see a crystal mace (Atk:38 Def:16 +1) that has 1000 charges left.
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 35 or higher.

23:23 You see a holy falcon.
23:23 You see a nightmare shield (Def:37).
23:23 You see a necromancer shield (Def:37).
23:23 You see a nightmare shield (Def:37).
23:23 You see a necromancer shield (Def:37).
23:24 You see a relic sword (Atk:42 Def:24 +1) that has 1000 charges left.
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 50 or higher.

23:24 You see a castle shield (Def:28).
23:24 You see a spell rune for level 27 and magic level 4. It's an "adana mort"-spell (2x).
23:24 You see a helmet ornament.
23:24 You see a magic plate armor (Arm:17).
23:24 You see a book.
23:24 You see a haunted blade (Atk:40 Def:12).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 30 or higher.
23:24 You see a cat's paw.
23:24 You see a spell rune for level 32 and magic level 9. It's an "adevo grav tera"-spell (4x).
23:24 You see a spell rune for level 32 and magic level 9. It's an "adevo grav tera"-spell (4x).
23:24 You see a helmet of the ancients (Arm:8).

Czas na kilka ssów !
1)Kupowanie biletów

2)Pierwsze pokoje różowy biały i pomarańczowy

3)Trzy ostatnie pomieszczenia żółty niebieski i final.


5)Podwodny mecz!

6)Mistrz gry rozmawiający z graczami

7)Ogłoszenie o wystawie i 1 z pokoi

8)Grupowy screen

9)Przy stole

Bilet na wystawie składał się z 4 listów w których 3 listy zawierały ciekawostki z życia Eternii a 4 list zawierał quiz

List 1
Welcome to...
the First Eternian Rare Exhibition!
Saturday, April 12, 2008

Be prepared to feast your eyes on everything your fellow Eternians have to show for the past five years of excellence.
----------------------------- Room #1 (Green):
Miscellaneous rares acting mainly as a brief teaser for the floors below.

Did you know that Eternia had the first two teams to ever complete the Seven Tombs Quest in Ankrahmun and receive the Helmet of the Ancients?

The red book is a rare piece of literature from Ferumbras' Citadel.

The piece of the Helmet of the Ancients is the first piece of the helmet ever dropped in Tibia. Secura killed the first pharaoh, but it was Ashmunrah, a pharaoh that does not drop a piece. The next day, Eternians killed the first of the pharaohs that drops a piece, Mahrdis, and this is the piece you see here today.
Room #2 (Purple):
The Dwarven Armor is rarer even than the Demon Armor, though lacking in strength.

The Shield of Honor, awarded to Frojin and Krin by Guido, is one of two on Eternia. The whereabouts of the second are currently unknown.

Did you know that the reward for the Paradox Tower Quest used to include the Magician Hat and Violet Gem that Rahemos now drops? All of these hats and gems are from the 2003 era when these items were still obtainable through Paradox Tower on a daily spawn.
Room #3 (White):
The Nightmare Shield and Necromancer Shield act as proof of the rank of Dreamer and Death Dealer (respectively) after turning in 1,500 demonic essences to either the Nightmare Knights or Brotherhood of Bones.

Did you know that Maximian was the first on Eternia to own a Nightmare Shield and Leidy Aribeth was the first to own a Necromancer Shield?
List 2
Room #4 (Orange):
Behold the rarest addon items in the game!
On the bottom row you can see the two Ferumbras' Hat, the only two ever to exist on Eternia and used for the rarest addon currently in the game. Eternian teams just recently killed this boss twice in two weeks!

Did you know that Eternia was the first server to ever see the NPC version of Ferumbras?

The other items are also dropped by rare bosses found throughout Tibia.
Room #5 (Yellow):
Here are some of the rarest items available from "regular" monsters. All of them are either dropped by the fiercesome demons found in the depths of the Pits of Inferno and the Formorgar Mines or, in the case of the Mercenary Sword, by a mysterious man in a cave.
Room 6 (Blue):
In this room you can see the three mightiest one handed weapons for the three melee classes.

The Sword of Valor, Stonecutter Axe, Demon Armor, and Annihilation Bear are also the four rewards available from the Annihilator.

Did you know that Esclavo, Deathwanderer, Demoncrawler, and Tavion were the first team to do the Annihilator on Eternia?

The complete gem set is obtained through killing various monsters across Tibia, though very rarely do these monsters drop such prized possessions. To see them all together is very rare indeed.

The golden figurine is yet another item dropped by demons in the depths of the earth. Few have ever obtained such a rare item.
Room 7 (Final):
At the northern end of the room are the four elemental sets introduced in the December 2007 update. These sets are all dropped by very different monsters, and are thus hard to assemble. The only piece missing, Terra Legs, have yet to drop on Eternia as they are a very rare drop from a demonic minion in the Pits of Inferno.

A golden set, lacking only the fabled Golden Boots, is a glamorous treasure appealing to even the most modest of adventurers.

List 3
Next you see the most complete tome set Eternia has to offer. The red and purple tome are dropped by warlocks and demons respectively, but the blue tome is unique on Eternia and was available only once in the old Demon Quest.

The demon set, prized as the most fiercesome collection of items, remains a milestone for warriors far and wide. The legs in particular are exceedingly rare, and remain unique on Eternia.

Did you know that the old Demon Quest (which used to include demon legs) on Eternia was done by the MacLathlan brothers?

The broken amulet is in fact the old Amulet of Life. Before the Amulet of Loss, there was this amulet that erased all effects of dying. No blessings! Imagine that. Of course, all the Amulets of Life were broken in 2003 and have become the item you see today.

The teddy bear is sometimes given out through fansite contests, but is more commonly seen every Christmas when Santa gives them out to the luckiest players.

And finally, the medal of honour, given to Tibia's greatest cartoonist.
GM Manina Eternia has written:
Most artistic Cartoonist within Tibia: Jack Bouer (Winner of the TibiaNews Comic Contest 2006)
Hope you enjoyed the viewing. Now please proceed downstairs into the meeting hall and have some fun! The food and drinks are for everyone, so dig in. No vomitting on the bear carpet, please.

The bottom floor is set aside for football (soccer!), but feel free to do anything you want down there. Football is just one option.

Thanks to the Eternia community for making this possible!
List 4 Quiz
History Quiz!

1.) What are the names of the three MacLathlan brothers who completed the first Demon Quest on Eternia?

2.) What were the five "unique" rewards for the old Demon Quest?

3.) Who was the first character to reach level 100 on Eternia?

4.) Was this character a boy or a girl?

5.) In which city did GM Adamantani declare that PvP should be performed outside populated areas?

6.) What did "FoE" stand for in that war? (Hint: they were green)

7.) What was the name of the character that summoned two demons outside of the Thais depot?

8.) In what month of what year did this incident occur?

9.) What color were the boots on the standard Revival outfit?

10.) What was the name of the leader of the Outlaw Alliance?

11.) What was Swordbunny's name before he was namelocked?

12.) What was the name of Reign of Darkness' "followers"?

13.) Which of the following were counsellors on Eternia?
a.) Orothin Beroloth b.) Saxum
c.) Lovan d.) Frik Adelik
e.) Doyle McGregor f.) Washer

14.) When does 2+2=Chair?

15.) What is the air speed velocity of a European swallow?

The search is half the fun! Tally up your score and compare answers.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Aknee - 13-04-2008 o 09:56.
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PAMIĘTAJ! Źródłem utrzymania forum są reklamy. Dziękujemy za uszanowanie ich obecności.
stary 13-04-2008, 13:18   #2
Ashlon's Avatar
Data dołączenia: 10 11 2003
Lokacja: Wrocław

Posty: 4,083

Ciekawa inicjatywa, w koncu gracze zorganizowali cos, co jest ciekawe i interesujace, a nie tylko exp-exp-exp
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stary 14-04-2008, 15:07   #3
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Data dołączenia: 03 01 2006
Lokacja: Tchais

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Imię: Wychowawca
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Swietny pomysl i zgranie, szkoda ze nie mam zadnej postaci na eterni ;<
Jeśli powyższy post w jakikolwiek sposób łamie regulamin forum to śmiało zgłoś go moderatorowi. Ja dostanę punkty, które później wymienię na nagrody a ty będziesz miał satysfakcje z wypełnienia swojego obowiązku.
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stary 14-04-2008, 15:11   #4
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 27 01 2006
Lokacja: Susz
Wiek: 43

Posty: 87
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Master Sorcerer
Świat: Eternia
Poziom: 221
Skille: 23/30
Poziom mag.: 86
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nie bylo mnie w domu z powodu zjazdu. Krin jest jednym z ludzi, ktorzy sa do dogadania po tylu latach gry w Tibie. Malo tego ciagle probuje robic nowe rzeczy na Eterni i wymysla wciaz to nowe ciekawe "eventy" dla MASS.
Gratulacje pomyslu i checi wykonania.
<z powodu iz nie czyta on tego forum sam juz mu zlozylem takowe GRATZ>
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stary 14-04-2008, 20:56   #5
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 14 04 2008
Wiek: 37

Posty: 43
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Świat: Eternia

Oryginalnie napisane przez Ashlon Pokaż post
Ciekawa inicjatywa, w koncu gracze zorganizowali cos, co jest ciekawe i interesujace, a nie tylko exp-exp-exp
To jest Eternia wiec zamiast exp powinno byc war war war
Better fight and loose then don't fight at all.
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stary 08-08-2008, 20:37   #6
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Data dołączenia: 16 01 2008
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Posty: 293
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Imię: Xosso
Profesja: Paladin
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Świat: Celesta
Poziom: 3o
Skille: 70/56
Poziom mag.: 11

Świetny pomysl!Dobrze, ze zostalo takie cos zorganizowane.Wiecej takich eventów.Aknee świetna robota z tym tematem gratulacje
Expiąc na AC...
04:39 Xosso [24]: gz allegro
04:39 Neoth [95]: ej kurwa zamknij ryj
04:40 Neoth [95]: ja nieexpieee
04:40 Xosso [24]: a co robisz?
04:40 Neoth [95]: soula odnawiam 10latku
04:40 Xosso [24]: hahahahahahahahaha
04:41 Neoth [95]: 24 lvl kozak uhsushus
04:41 Xosso [24]: Amazon :60 exp points Valkirie: 85 exp points a ty masz 95 lvl...
04:41 Xosso [24]: ile za postac dales?
04:41 Neoth [95]: ignore brudasie -.-
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stary 03-03-2009, 10:15   #7

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Domyślny ďđčâĺň

I am a new user. to the discussion can be?
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stary 06-03-2009, 19:16   #8
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Data dołączenia: 27 12 2006
Lokacja: Carlin

Posty: 25
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Imię: Truvera
Profesja: Paladin
Świat: Eternia
Poziom: 40
Skille: 80
Poziom mag.: 14

Można by było zrobić jeszcze jeden taki event
see you in Tibia
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stary 05-04-2009, 22:57   #9

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Domyślny 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

interesting post

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