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stary 28-11-2007, 19:10   #1341

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Pytanie Hmm

Moze wiecie czy usuna druidowi hmm? ;> ;>z gory dzieki

PAMIĘTAJ! Źródłem utrzymania forum są reklamy. Dziękujemy za uszanowanie ich obecności.
stary 28-11-2007, 19:35   #1342
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 27 06 2006

Posty: 457

Nie będziesz mógł robić gfb, hmm xP
Tempest zmieni się na jakąś lodową xP
yy Sio za 140 many będzie...
Więcej nie kojarze
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stary 28-11-2007, 20:38   #1343
Evil Maul
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Data dołączenia: 11 03 2005
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Wiek: 34

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Oryginalnie napisane przez Nacpany_Wlodek Pokaż post

@evil maul
Pytanko na temat tych a'stars - czy ich siła też się zmieni, bo przecież one są one dość potężne, cena była przesadzona, ale bez sensem będzie, że miały by np. łamać sie po 10 rzutach. Chyba cipsoft nie wymyślił, że za to sdeki będą miały więcej ładunków, bo to już by były dopiero jaja.
Naprawde niewiem dałem tylko post Crabana z tibiacity ale sądzę że siła pozostanie taka sama gdyż na pierwszym testserverze runa sd została trzystrzałowa, więc to jest tak jak by odpowiedź na Sd dla pallów ;>
"Real power can't be given it must be taken"
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stary 28-11-2007, 22:53   #1344
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Data dołączenia: 17 03 2007
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Domyślny Czy ten cipensoft jest pojebany ?

" Qrwa " powiedzialem gdy chcialem sie zalogowac -.- czy ten cipen soft jest pojebany ? Pomysl z tym exp x2 sam w sobie nie jest zly .. kolejki jak to kolejki ale boli mnie to ze sie zalogowac nie mozna ...
Jeżeli myślisz ze odejdę z powodu jakiegoś głupiego deda ....mylisz się
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stary 28-11-2007, 23:10   #1345
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Data dołączenia: 18 08 2005
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Oryginalnie napisane przez Funosek Pokaż post
Nie będziesz mógł robić gfb, hmm xP
Tempest zmieni się na jakąś lodową xP
yy Sio za 140 many będzie...
Więcej nie kojarze
Wiedziałem że UH znikną.. Ale hmm? gfb? Nigdy..
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stary 29-11-2007, 00:17   #1346
Duch Guardi
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Data dołączenia: 09 10 2005
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hehehe zobaczcie co znalazłem:

-co to za nowy/e potwory których nie było w dzisiejszym newsie
-nowy wygląd wejścia do tibii ?
-co ukrywają fotki pod "nowym wejściem do gry"?

Ostatnio edytowany przez Duch Guardi - 29-11-2007 o 00:18.
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stary 29-11-2007, 08:58   #1347
Evil Maul
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Data dołączenia: 11 03 2005
Lokacja: Above cloud
Wiek: 34

Posty: 431
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Profesja: Elite Knight
Świat: Aldora
Poziom: 157
Poziom mag.: 9

Oryginalnie napisane przez Duch Guardi Pokaż post
hehehe zobaczcie co znalazłem:

Chyba za coś dostałeś już punkty i zdjęcie zostało skasowane! Zaznajom się z regulaminem.

-co to za nowy/e potwory których nie było w dzisiejszym newsie
-nowy wygląd wejścia do tibii ?
-co ukrywają fotki pod "nowym wejściem do gry"?

pamiatki od Cipsoft xDDDDDDDDDDD najlepsze te napoje hahaha xD
"Real power can't be given it must be taken"

Ostatnio edytowany przez DDoS - 29-11-2007 o 16:02.
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stary 29-11-2007, 15:33   #1348
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Data dołączenia: 19 07 2005
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J0hny ma numer GG 4710539

Oryginalnie napisane przez Duch Guardi Pokaż post
hehehe zobaczcie co znalazłem:
Znalazles kilka postów wczesniej...

Poza tym to niespożyte źródło wiedzy :d
nastepny link z innymi ssami o Cipsofcie (nie wiem jak to nazwac)
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stary 29-11-2007, 15:50   #1349
Evil Maul
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Data dołączenia: 11 03 2005
Lokacja: Above cloud
Wiek: 34

Posty: 431
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Poziom: 157
Poziom mag.: 9

Dziś został otwarty Tutor Testserver II

w Tym tescie ujrzymy "UWAGA EXPIENIE W PARTY" a o to cały post :

Dear Gamemasters, Senators and Tutors,

welcome to the testserver for our christmas update! It will go online at about 3-4 pm CET and is open to all gamemasters and senators as well as to those tutors who have been invited to the last balancing testserver too. If you were banished from the last testserver, you might not be able to enter this one either.

This testserver will introduce several balancing adjustments as well as all of the new content that you already know from the teasers. This includes a lot of revised areas, tons of new quests, monsters, items, NPCs and other fun stuff. Together with the balancing adjustments we also implemented the new rune charges and prices, spell distributions and prices, the new ammunition and adjustment of old distance weapons and arrow prices. There is also one feature that many of you have been hoping for since the beginning of their Tibia career - Shared Experience in Parties!

It is very important that you test as much and as thoroughly as you can. Please read the following instructions on how to join the test server and the testing agenda carefully. Report all bugs you find with ctrl + z in-game. Typical bugs include:

- Graphical errors (e.g. broken graphics, blue pixels, wrong automap colors)
- Map errors (e.g. broken ground textures, broken wall parts)
- Feature errors (e.g. item doesn't work like it is supposed to)
- Object errors (e.g. a takeable tree, walkable stone)
- NPC errors (e.g. something is bought for more money than it is sold)
- Text errors (e.g. typos, misspellings, non-suitable name for an object)
- Quest errors (e.g. dead ends in the quest line)

In cases of client crashes ("Tibia Error - Debug Assertion" ) please click "Send" in the "Error Report" dialog which appears when you start the client the next time after the crash happened. If possible please enter a comment in the appropriate field before clicking "Send" because any hint on what you did right before the crash will greatly help in fixing the reason for the crash.

Craban, Akananto and me will each create one thread which you can use to read the latest information about known and fixed bugs (Testserver: Content Bugs), give your feedback about the balancing measures (Testserver: Balancing Feedback) and post if you have problems with the Client (Testserver: Technical Problems).

(Links will be inserted here when everything is ready)

There are Testserver Assistants in each town who will hand out money. Simply ask them for money or gold and you will receive 100k pocket money each time.

2. Revised Areas

Since there are not only optical improvements, but also completely changed structures and new dungeons, please take some time to visit some of the old areas and look for map bugs such as misplaced clips or non-working stairs or entrances. You will find great changes in the following places:

- Tiquanda jungle (look for 5 small Tarantula dungeons and a new hunting ground north of Port Hope)
- Thais troll dungeon and rotworm dungeon (broadened tunnels, new decoration elements)
- Orc Dungeon north of Thais (broadened tunnels, more monster diversity)
- Mt. Sternum Cyclops (broadened tunnels, new decoration elements)
- North-west of Mt. Sternum (new dungeons, new passways, new decoration)
- Passage to Mintwallin starting at ancient temple (broadenend tunnels, new decoration in many places)
- Darashia/Ankrahmun surface (nomad camps added to surface, hidden nomad place)
- Darashia Rotworm Dungeons (structure slightly changed with more entrances and connections, more carrions)
- ... and some well-hidden surprises!

3. Monsters

Find and kill the following new monsters and check them for incorrect graphics, corpses or strange loot:

- dark magician (185)
- dark apprentice (100)
- poacher (70)
- dragon hatchling (185)
- dragon lord hatchling (645)
- cat (0)
- cyclops smith (255)
- mechanical fighter (255)
- cyclops drone (200)
- troll champion (30)

Also, since the balancing measures brought a change of ALL monsters with them, hunt as much as you can. Form a party - with shared experience if you like -, check out your favorite monsters all over the world and kill, kill, kill! Has the difficulty changed? Are they too hard now? Too easy? Too much experience? Strange sensitivities? Unfitting spell effects?

Please post everything notable that is NOT a clear bug (wrong effects, graphics etc) in the Balancing Feedback thread.

4. Quests and NPCs

There have been a lot of changes in existing NPCs; also, some new ones have been added for quests and events. The event NPCs are not activated on this testserver, so you don't need to waste any time searching for them. You will get a good overview of all the NPC changes if you simply solve as many quests as you can.

Here's a list of the quests which need to be tested and some starting hints:

- What a foolish Quest: Who might be the leader of the Fools' Guild in Thais? Maybe you can convince him to let you join...
- Secret Service: There are 3 large secret agencies in Tibia, and you can only join and help ONE. Will it be in Thais, Carlin or Venore?
- The Travelling Trader: There is a salesman travelling through the lands, each day to be found somewhere else. You can only start this quest on a MONDAY, so don't waste your breath on this one until next monday.
- Nomads Land: If you visit the new nomad camps you might find something interesting...
- Against the Spider Cult: Daniel Steelsoul in Edron might have a small task for brave adventurers...
- Into the Bone Pit: The sorcerer's guild in Thais needs help too!
- The Exterminator: The Carlin sewers are suffering from a huge slime plague... maybe a natural cure might help.
- The Ultimate Booze: This fascinating drink is of great interest to a tavern owner, of course
- Appease the Mighty: Kazzan is looking for a mighty ally. You need all of your convincing skills here.
- To Blind the Enemy: The elves in Ab'Dendriel are pretty angry about being spied out all the time...
- To Outfox a Fox: Budrik of Kazordoon wants to hunt a fox!
- Rest in Hallowed Ground: The priest in Edron wants to fight the undead invasion...
- Steal from Thieves: Ahmed was thieved! Can you stand such injustice?
- Tower Defence: Bunny Bonecrusher needs help...

If you explore Tibia really well and patiently you might also find some quests which are not listed here... someday.

When you test the quests, please check your questlog for inconsistencies or errors after receiving and completing tasks. Is everything displayed in the correct order? Are quests marked as "completed" when you solved them? Are items deleted correctly? Do you receive a reward each time?

5. New Outfits

Please try to acquire the new outfits - the jester outfit should come automatically once you made a fool of yourself

For the Nightmare Knights and Brotherhood of Bones outfits you need ONE person from each faction that has the highest rank. He or she will be able to gain the complete outfit including addons and enter a special room in which precious gems can be traded for 3 different documents. These documents can unlock outfits and addons for other characters of the same faction, depending on their current rank. If YOU are the person of the highest rank and don't have the outfit yet, simply talk to your according faction master.

7. Shared Experience

Yes, it's there! Here are the main conditions for shared experience:

* shared experience can only be activated in a party and only by the leader
* the following conditions must be fulfilled for shared XP to work:

o level of the lowest character in the party >= 2/3 level of the highest character in the party (that means for example, level 40 and level 60 can still share, level 200 and 300 can also share)
o the distance of all partymembers to the leader must be smaller or equal to 30 fields (yelling distance), also works one floor up and one floor down
o all partymembers must have contributed to the party within the last 2 minutes (healing party member or attacking aggressive monster)

* shared experience has 3 states:
* off: experience is distributed as usual according to damage dealt
* on and active:
o if all conditions are fulfilled, experience will be distributed evenly between all party members (rounded up)
o if a member does not have enough stamina, his share of the experience will be reduced accordingly, the shares of other party members stays unaffected
o soulpoints can only be gained if the individual share of experience gained from one monster is larger or equal to the level of the character
o if a member has summons, those summons will receive their part of the experience before shared experience is calculated

* on but inactive
o if one or more conditions are not fulfilled, shared XP will automatically be deactivated until all conditions are fulfilled again
o experience is distributed as usual according to damage dealt

* every party member can see the state of shared XP on his party icon, it is also displayed who causes shared XP to be inactive
* shared experience only works for experience gained from monsters, on PvP-enforced worlds, experience that is gained from player killing will be distributed as usual according to damage dealt, no matter whether shared XP is active or not

So, your task is: form small parties, large parties, medium parties and go hunt! Only the leader can activate Shared Experience via the context menu, so don't forget to do so. Have healers, blockers, damage dealers - all of them should receive an even share of the experience, provided everyone is active enough.

If ONE of your members is inactive (hasn't healed a party member or attacked an aggressive monster in the last 2 minutes) OR doesn't fulfil the level range (too high, too low level) or distance conditions (too far away from the leader), shared experience will be deactivated for your group, which you can recognise by the shield icons in the battle list being X-ed out. Also, the inactive person's shield icon will blink. If you are that person, simply heal a party member or deal damage to a monster OR get back into the leader's range to activate shared experience again for your party. If you're too high or too low level, this won't be possible of course.
"Real power can't be given it must be taken"
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stary 29-11-2007, 17:03   #1350
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Data dołączenia: 25 07 2007
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Kiedy ten głupi test bedzie open ; (
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stary 29-11-2007, 17:18   #1351
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 13 10 2007
Lokacja: Skarżysko-Kamienna

Posty: 61
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Paladin
Świat: Guardia

Dajcie jakieś ss palka po update, np. nowe czary i to co nowe
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stary 29-11-2007, 17:43   #1352
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Świat: Iridia
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Test Server ponownie otwarty ;o
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stary 29-11-2007, 17:53   #1353
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Data dołączenia: 26 06 2007
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Świat: Calmera
Poziom: 50
Poziom mag.: 5

@Evil Maul
Swietna robota! Przydalo sie bo juz nie wytrzymywalem bez nowych informacji.

No i widzicie!? Wreszcie dadza cos dal facc a wy tak marudziliscie - "oooo wszystko daja dla pacc a facc to gowno i tyle...".
Jestem ciekawy tych nowych terenow na Port Hope. Jesli moj lvl i postac nie zawiedzie to z ciekawoscia bede zwiedzal tamte tereny. Po za tym teastery mialy byc w kazdy piatek o ile sie nie myle. Teraz daja w srody no i nawet daja juz 2 TS. Czyzby up date byl szybciej niz sie spodziewamy.

@Duch Guardi
Heh te screeny sa tez ciekawe. Te potwory ktore nie byly pokazane w teasterach to niwiadomo co jest. Co do tego potwora zaznaczonego zielonym kolkiem ze znakami zapytania ??? to to jest Troll Champion (tak mi sie wydaje xd). A te lifefluidy w puszkach to fajnie jak by byl to jakis napoj energetyzujacy cos w stylu poweraida (padles powstan poweraid czy jak to sie tam pisze).
Pzdr for all.
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stary 29-11-2007, 18:22   #1354
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Data dołączenia: 04 01 2006
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Imię: Icearahor
Profesja: Druid
Świat: Galana

Jak ktoś już siedzi na TSie to prosiłbym o kosztorys tego podróżującego handlarza . No i jakieś ssy .
Edit: z tego co wyczytałem to będzie dzielenie expa w party ;o
Najlepszy mana fluid daję około 200 many, nie więcej niż 300 i są ciężkie. - z
'No moon is there, no voice, no sound of breating heart; a sight profound.'

Ostatnio edytowany przez Zummer - 29-11-2007 o 18:42.
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stary 29-11-2007, 18:43   #1355
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 09 10 2006

Posty: 912
Stan: Aktywny Gracz
Profesja: Elite Knight

niech tylko nikt nie tlumaczy tych info o expie w party bo zaraz 15 lvle zaczna plakac bo nie zrozumieja o co chodzi
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stary 29-11-2007, 18:59   #1356
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 30 10 2007

Posty: 18
Stan: Na Emeryturze
Profesja: Druid
Świat: Shivera
Poziom: 41
Skille: --/24
Poziom mag.: 43

wyglada na to ze beda wymienne zaklecia. nei bedzie mozna jednoczesnie miec opanowanych obu.
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stary 29-11-2007, 19:08   #1357
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Data dołączenia: 08 07 2006
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Świat: Secura
Poziom: 91
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Oryginalnie napisane przez Sardynka Pokaż post

wyglada na to ze beda wymienne zaklecia. nei bedzie mozna jednoczesnie miec opanowanych obu.
huhu fajno
Betrayer... in truth, it was I who was betrayed.
Still, I am hunted.
Still, I am hated.
Now, my blind eyes see what others cannot.
That sometimes the hand of fate must be forced!

Illidan Stormrage
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stary 29-11-2007, 19:47   #1358
Lincoln The Sorcerer
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Świat: Fortera
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Zauważcie że ms teraz może ubijać sam same gówna jedynie, natomaist ubic go moze byle co ponieważ hp ma malo a na utamie długo nie wytrzyma gdyż mf daja mu za mało jej w stosunku do ciosów przeciwnika

PO upie ms bedzie w koncu samodzielny dlatego że mf bedzie mogl używac jak uhów kina teraz i w koncu bedziemy mieli mniejsze straty i moze jakieś małe zyski z huntów!
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stary 29-11-2007, 20:05   #1359
Użytkownik Forum
Data dołączenia: 09 10 2006

Posty: 912
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Oryginalnie napisane przez Sardynka Pokaż post

wyglada na to ze beda wymienne zaklecia. nei bedzie mozna jednoczesnie miec opanowanych obu.
bezczelnie zerzniete z
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stary 29-11-2007, 20:22   #1360
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Data dołączenia: 04 01 2006
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Imię: Icearahor
Profesja: Druid
Świat: Galana

16:26 Draconian Mage [45]: great health potion
16:26 Shiriel: Do you want to buy a great health potion for 250 gold?
16:26 Draconian Mage [45]: 20 great health potion
16:26 Shiriel: Do you want to buy 20 great health potions for 5000 gold?
16:27 Draconian Mage [45]: 20 strong health potion
16:27 Shiriel: Do you want to buy 20 strong health potions for 2200 gold?
16:27 Draconian Mage [45]: 20 strong mana potion
16:27 Shiriel: Do you want to buy 20 strong mana potions for 1600 gold?
Ceny poszły w poprawę, ciekawe jak z jakością.
'No moon is there, no voice, no sound of breating heart; a sight profound.'

Ostatnio edytowany przez Zummer - 29-11-2007 o 20:26.
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