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Broń i przedmioty Wszystko o broni i przedmiotach.

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stary 22-05-2005, 12:04   #1

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Domyślny PRoblem z tarcza

NIestety mam malutki problem z tarcza!

Mojemu kioledze (knightowi) WOGÓLE NIE ROSNIE SHIELDING to jest nie mozliwe. No i napisało sie do CIPOW a automatyczny mail przyszedl zeby zobaczcy w faq i jakies *******y
Nie pzretlumacze calego listu wiec nie wiem

** This email was generated by an automatic email handling system. **
** Please note that it is not possible to reply to this email. **

Dear Tibia player!

Thank you for contacting the customer support of the massive
multiplayer online role playing game Tibia.

Please read this email carefully if you have a question or a problem
concerning Tibia in any matter.

Among other information, you will find answers to the following most
frequently asked questions (FAQ):

What do I have to do to join Tibia?
Is Tibia free?
What are Premium Accounts and how do I get one?
Someone got access to my account and changed my password ("hacking"). What can I do?
I have forgotten my password and/or account number. What can I do?
How can I get a new recovery key?
Why have I been banished?
I cannot connect to the game servers. What is the problem?
I have already paid but I still have no Premium Account. What is wrong?
I want a refund of my Premium Account. What do I need to do?
How can I rename my character?
My character has been name locked. What does that mean?
How can I complain about other players?
I found an error in the game (bug). Who should I report it to?
I have a great idea for Tibia. Where can I send it to?

If you find your question on this list, please look for the respective
answer at the bottom of this email.

Further FAQ are listed on our website at

Also, the manual contains a detailed description of the game at

Guidelines on online security can be found in our security hints at

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for on our website,
you may consider posting your question on our forum's help board at
It is regularly checked by experienced players who will be glad to
offer help.

Moreover, as Tibia is an online game there is always the option to
enter the game and to directly address other players. Tutors and
experienced players will gladly answer your questions in the help
channel (Ctrl+T). Also, you can ask questions in the game-chat or
simply ask other players for assistance.

A final option is to send an email to our customer support team.
You should make sure that you do not find an answer to your question
in one of the sources mentioned above before writing an email.
Please write your email in English and do not use uncommon
abbreviations. Please understand that we cannot answer emails in any
other language. Try to explain your problem as clearly as possible.
Please mention the name of one of your characters. Remember we do
not need your account number or your password.
Send your email to
[email protected]
and allow some days for the answer.
Please understand that we cannot answer every single email. We reserve
the right not to answer requests which we deem of little importance.

Kind regards,
Tibia Customer Support

You have received this email because you have contacted
Tibia customer support at [email protected].

TibiaŽ - a massive multiplayer online role playing game
Copyright Š 1996-2004 CipSoft GmbH. All rights reserved.

Q: What do I have to do to join Tibia?
A: Joining Tibia is easy. Please follow these instructions:
1. Create an account by signing up at
Your account number will be shown on the website. Please memorise it
carefully. Also, the account password will be sent to you by email.
2. Download the client program at
and install it to your computer.
3. Log into your account at
and create a character by clicking on the appropriate button.
Now you can join the game. To do so start the client program and
select "Enter Game".

Q: Is Tibia free?
A: Yes! You can play free of charge for as long as you want and enjoy
most of the features Tibia offers!
However, if you like the game, you may consider upgrading your
free account to a Premium Account. This will give you additional
benefits and allow you to enjoy the full Tibia experience!

Q: What are Premium Accounts and how do I get one?
A: A Premium Account gives you additional abilities and advantages
inside and outside the game. To learn more about the benefits take
a look at the premium page at
Upgrading your free account to a Premium Account is easy! Simply
log into your account at
and click on "Get Premium Account" to start the ordering process.
For a detailed description of the ordering process please see the
manual section on payments

Q: Someone got access to my account and changed my password ("hacking"). What can I do?
A: First you should find out how some other person could get your
account data to make sure it cannot happen again! Please see our
security hints at
for valuable tips on how to identify and to remove the problem.
Remember that if you try to get your account back before the
security problem has been removed, it is quite possible that the
hacker will get access to your account again. Once you have
removed the security problem you can get back access to your
account by using the Lost Account Interface at

Q: I have forgotten my password and/or account number. What can I do?
A: If you have forgotten your password and/or account number, you
should use the Lost Account Interface at
Specify your problem there and follow the instructions. Please
note that a new password and/or the account number will only be
sent to the email address to which the account is registered.
If you have lost access to this email address, try to get it back.
For example you can contact your email provider and ask for help.
Once you have access to the registered email address the Lost
Account Interface will work.

Q: How can I get a new recovery key?
A: If you would like to get a new recovery key, you should use the
Lost Account Interface at
Specify your problem there and follow the instructions. Print out
the standard letter you obtain there. Please do not forget to sign
the letter and to add a photocopy of your identity card, passport,
driving licence or birth certificate. Send the letter to the
mentioned address. Please understand that we do not accept faxes
or scans sent as email attachments. If the data of the included
photocopy matches the data of your account personalisation, a new
password as well as a new recovery key will be sent to the email
address your account is registered to. If the data does not match,
you will receive an email informing you of the rejection of your
request. If you would like us to register the account to a new
email address, please include a new email address that is not yet
registered to a Tibia account in your letter. In this case your
account will be registered to this new address and your new
password and recovery key will be sent there.

Q: Why have I been banished?
A: If you have been banished, you have violated one or more of the
Tibia Rules
For this reason you have been temporarily excluded both from the
game and the forum by a gamemaster. Please log into your account at
and look at your criminal record to see the reason for the
banishment. If you do not understand the reason, or if you would
like to protest against the banishment, you can complain about it,
provided the banishment has not been imposed by a senior gamemaster
or by a member of the CipSoft Team. To do so please view the
corresponding entry in your criminal record and click on "Complain".
Once you have submitted your complaint the gamemaster who has
banished you will answer and explain the banishment to you. Again,
banishments imposed by senior gamemasters or by members of the
CipSoft Team are considered final, so it is not possible to appeal
against them.

Q: I cannot connect to the game servers. What is the problem?
A: To play Tibia you need a fully functional direct TCP/IP-connection
to the game servers. If you encounter problems while connecting to
the game servers, please check your network preferences or ask
your system administrator for advice. Please note that some
internet providers restrict the functionality of internet accesses,
i.e., they allow only certain programs (usually browsers) to pass
through, while others such as the client are denied access to the
internet. It is also possible that a connection to the game servers
is prevented by a proxy or by a firewall that protects your
computer. Please make sure that connections to port 7171 of the
game servers are allowed. Also, if you have recently logged into
the test server, it is possible that the "Test Server Login" is
still enabled in your client's network options. Remove the tick
at the corresponding option in order to allow access to the regular
game servers.
If you receive the error message "Server is not online", the game
server is offline due to maintenance or a technical problem.
Please wait until the game server is restarted.

Q: I have already paid but I still have no Premium Account. What is wrong?
A: Your Premium Account will not be assigned to your account until
our payment service provider ShareIt has confirmed your payment.
Please allow some time for this to happen. Depending on the chosen
payment method as well as your location it can take up to three
weeks until your payment has arrived, especially if you have paid
by using cheque, bank transfer, or by sending cash. Payments made
by credit card are normally processed within 24 hours.
To check the current status of your payment please contact ShareIt
via their webpage interface at or at
their hotline:
USA: +1 (724) 850 8186
Germany: +49 (0) 221 31088 20
Please remember to always state your order reference number when
dealing with ShareIt.

Q: I want a refund of my Premium Account. What do I need to do?
A: A refund for a Tibia Premium Account can only be claimed within
the first 14 days after the payment has arrived. Also, the Premium
Account must not have been used yet. Please send an email to
[email protected] and tell us the name of your character and the
order reference number to verify the payment. But note that we
will not give you a refund if you have already played with the
Premium Account.

Q: How can I rename my character?
A: Names can only be changed if they violate the Tibia Rules
If you have a character with an illegal name, or if you notice
one, you can report it to the tutors. Tutors report illegal names
to the customer support who has the final say on which names are
blocked. If one of your characters has been blocked because of the
name, you can rename the character when you log into your account at
"View" the corresponding entry in your criminal record and click
on "Rename" to choose a new name for your character. If your new
name is valid, the customer support will approve it. If an invalid
name is proposed, it will be rejected and you will be asked to
think of another name that is legal under the Tibia Rules.

Q: My character has been name locked. What does that mean?
A: Your character has been blocked from logging to the game because
the name of your character violates the Tibia Rules
In order to continue playing with your character you have to
choose a new valid name. To do so log into your account at
click on the corresponding entry in your criminal record and then
on the button "Rename". Once you have chosen a new valid name the
customer support will review the proposed name and unlock your

Q: How can I complain about other players?
A: In Tibia there are gamemasters who take care of the player
community and enforce the Tibia Rules
They have the right to punish players who violate the rules. You
can report other players to all gamemasters and counsellors (the
gamemasters' assistants) that are currently online in the game by
using the rule violation report (Ctrl+R). Also, you may consider
posting your complaint on the gamemaster board. In due course of
time a gamemaster will read it and post a reply. Please note that
gamemasters cannot interfere if no Tibia Rule is violated.

Q: I found an error in the game (bug). Who should I report it to?
A: Please report bugs to the tutors in the help channel (Ctrl+T).
They can make a bug report which will be directly sent to CipSoft.

Q: I have a great idea for Tibia. Where can I send it to?
A: We invite you to discuss your idea with other players on the
proposals board at
The CipSoft Team checks this board regularly, even though they do
not join any discussions there. If the idea fits nicely into the
context of Tibia, there is a good chance that it will be
implemented into the game.

To jest list

Jak by ktos mogl pomoc to prosze napisac
  Odpowiedz z Cytatem

PAMIĘTAJ! Źródłem utrzymania forum są reklamy. Dziękujemy za uszanowanie ich obecności.
stary 22-05-2005, 12:18   #2
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Hmm ale co CI mam napisac? Masz wszytsko opisane tam... Jak nie rozumiesz po angielsku to wejdz w dzial poradniku tutaj na i wszystko ladnie masz przetluamczone, opisane etc.
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stary 22-05-2005, 12:23   #3
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Data dołączenia: 04 05 2005
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To powiedz jak twój kolega trenuje shielding.
Może starym sposobem - kiedyś wystarczyły żeby dwa potowrki atakowały, a ćwiączcy nie musiał nic robić.

A teraz żeby nie było tak łatwo.
Żeby trenować shielding musisz też atakować potworka to krwi tzw. "hit".

Tu masz kila przydanych linków do poradników rycerza:
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stary 22-05-2005, 13:06   #4

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No on wlasnie walczy tam z trolami i trole leje a jemu shield wcale nie rosnie;/
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stary 22-05-2005, 13:31   #5
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Hmmm... A może twój kolega trzyma tarczę w złym slocie? O,o....

Nie raz było tak, iż ludize trzymali tarcze w miejscu na torcha/strzały...
Tzreba ja umieścić w jednej z rąk a w drugiej reće jakąs broń (jednoręczną)...

Innej przyczyny nie znam....
"Non mortem timemus, sed cogitationem mortis" - Nie śmierci się boimy, lecz myśli o śmierci. Seneka
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stary 22-05-2005, 13:36   #6
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A ja się tak zastanawiam, czy trzymanie broni (np. sworda) w lewej lub prawej ręcę robi to jakąś różnicę?
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stary 22-05-2005, 13:41   #7
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Adres Jabbera do Samek

Oryginalnie napisane przez chesek
A ja się tak zastanawiam, czy trzymanie broni (np. sworda) w lewej lub prawej ręcę robi to jakąś różnicę?
Nie robi żadnej. Jak kto woli Ja trzymam broń zwykle po lewej stronie ekranu
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stary 22-05-2005, 14:13   #8

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On troche gra w tibie i trzyma tarcze w lapie

a wie ktos co mozna jeszcze zrobic aby to usunac??
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stary 22-05-2005, 14:18   #9
Użytkownik forum
Data dołączenia: 11 12 2004

Posty: 7

właśnie wszedłem na forum i to przeczytał ja mam ten problem, broń i tarcze trzymam napewno w rękach, więc to napewno nie jest od tego, walczyłem z 5 trolami i używałem w tym czasie wooden shield i short sworda, i miałem ustawione na balance fight więc co ja robie źle?;/ prosze pomóżcie...
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stary 22-05-2005, 14:30   #10
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kierki11 ma numer GG 2712857

O Boze.....
Blood hit(uderzenie do krwi) co 30 uderzen chmurka na tobie.
Efektywny trening jest z 2 potworami.
Sami musicie sobie obliczyc co ile jaka bronia walicie blooda (zalezne od skillow).
Koniec z tibia.
Grasz w nia rok lub wiecej z zaangazowaniem i tu nagle mila niespodzianka-hack.
Teraz rozpoczyna sie era Silk Road!

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stary 22-05-2005, 14:40   #11

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Ja debilu po******* jestes???
Jak sie mowi ze trafia co jakis czas tego ******* trola to 5 raz pisze sie to samio!
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stary 22-05-2005, 18:13   #12
Evul Indigo
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Oryginalnie napisane przez kierki11
O Boze.....
Blood hit(uderzenie do krwi) co 30 uderzen chmurka na tobie.
Efektywny trening jest z 2 potworami.
Sami musicie sobie obliczyc co ile jaka bronia walicie blooda (zalezne od skillow).
Po kilku postach jakis normalny sie odezwal -.-

Co 30 tzw. "chmurek" trzeba zadac blood hit. Inaczej skille przestaja rosnac.

Twoj kumpel cos przewrazliwiony jest. Zamiast poszukac od razu do CIPow pisze?
Nick:Hurro Kurak




Best Hit:21 at Orc,21 at Minotaur <katana>

Need a friend I will help all with all quests

Kto mnie zna ten mnie zna
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stary 22-05-2005, 19:13   #13

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No Ja Nie Moge!!!
Nie Kapisz Ze On Wali W Te Tole D Okrwi??? To Czesciej Niz 30 Ciosow I Shielding Nie Rosnie!
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stary 22-05-2005, 19:35   #14
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Omg-.-.... ludzie "This is imposible" (pewnie zle to imposible)

Jedno jest jeszcze mozliwe, ze nie dostaje(esz) nic na tarcze to znaczy wszystko leci w armor albo w ciebie bo masz taki maly shielding no i ta slaba tarcza ze nic nie bronisz na tarcze...

P.S. Jak trenujesz z potworami a nie z czlowiekiem to lepiej miec dobra tarcze bo roznicy nie daje a wiecej ciosow na tarcze bedzie szlo...

P.S.2 zobacz P.S.(1) To ze sie ma gorsza tarcze i szybciej shielding idzie to pewnie jakis koles zle uslyszal i porozpowiadal i polowa ludzi grajacych w Tibie treni z gorszymi tarczami bo tak naprawde to poczytaj poradniki po co sie ma gorsza tarcze albo lepsza(ale zamacilem) TY MASZ MIEC NAJLEPSZA TARCZE JAKA MASZ BO TRENISZ Z POTWORKAMI ...i wszystko jasne

Ostatnio edytowany przez Cacuss - 22-05-2005 o 19:37.
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stary 22-05-2005, 19:37   #15
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Data dołączenia: 11 12 2004

Posty: 7

No właśnie ja wale w te trolle i nic kompletnie mi nie rośnie!!nic
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stary 22-05-2005, 19:42   #16
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Data dołączenia: 11 12 2004

Posty: 7

Ale Caccus ja też próbowałem tak że zdjąłem z siebie wszystko i zostawiłem na sobie tylko miecz i tarcze i i tak mi shielding nie rosnął...

P.S.Sorx że pisze posta drugiego pod rząd ale Cacus napisał posta w tym samym czasie co ja ten 1...
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stary 22-05-2005, 19:53   #17
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To mi sie wydaje, że jakis blad gry, byly juz takie bledy, np mojemu koledze tarcza wypadala sama w pewnym miejscu zawsze i takie tam :}
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stary 22-05-2005, 19:54   #18
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Mowilem ze troche zamacilem...
Cavalorn NIE O TO MI CHODZILO ale co tam...
Jak juz sciagneles ten armor caly to zobacz sobie czy wogule pojawia sie na tobie chmurka czy tylko caly czas z Ciebie krew wyplywa

P.S. Jak juz sprawdzisz to napisz posta z odpowiedzia

P.S.2 co do slow "nie o to mi chodzilo" chcialem Ci powiedziec ze jak trenujesz z potworkami to nie sciagaj armoru...

Co do Ryby-Knight (chyba dobrze napisalem) mozliwe ze tak jest, ale powiedz mi w jakim miejscu twojemu koledze wypadal ta tarcza(wysle do Cipow i dadza mi nagrode) hahaha sorry ze nie do tematu

Ostatnio edytowany przez Cacuss - 22-05-2005 o 19:56.
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stary 22-05-2005, 20:44   #19
Użytkownik forum
Data dołączenia: 11 12 2004

Posty: 7

Cacuss szczerze ci powiem, że ja wogóle nie rozumiem nic z tymi chmurkami i z wypływającą krwią...;/jeśli możesz to mi to wytłumacz plz...
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stary 23-05-2005, 08:24   #20
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Data dołączenia: 14 10 2004
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Plastex ma numer GG 2590440

Może mu się sam pasek zaciął, a skilll nie. Mi kiedyś mlvl nie chciał rosnąć a potem nagle skoczył o około 30% przy użyciu "Exura"
Smakował ci obiad? Nie wszystkich na niego stać!
Wejdź tam i kliknij pajacyka przynajmniej raz dziennie, a zapewnimy jedzenie dla dzieci z domu dziecka.
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